Doctor's appointment

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"Mr Park , this way please.. " a nurse spoke softly..
"Yes.." Jimin nodded and followed her.

Sejin had made sure that Jimin was in good and trusted hands.
Doctor Merlin, one of Sejin his old school friend's sister who was now Jimin's gynecologist.
The first time Jimin was very uncomfortable with her but as he got to know her.. he got comfortable ..

All the english lessons from Namjoon was paying off for him.. even though he was a little slow, he tried talking as much in English as possible.. and Merlin respected that and always tried to explain things in a way he'd understand emidiatly. Merlin's nice and soft side helped Jimin.
He opened up to her.. he didn't tell her much about his previous life but he talked to her about his worries and she genuinely understood it and they became more like friends in their few appointments..

"Jimin, your blood pressure is high... are you stressed. It's not good for either one of your healths.. "
"I'm.. I'm sorry.."
"Why are you sorry?.. It's not like you would do it on purpose right?.. I understand you must be worried, because this isn't a usual case.... and I have noticed that you come here by yourself..I know things are not easy to except..  but sweetie you have to make sure you're not stressed okay?.. please, it's for both of your health.."
"Yes Merlin, I understand.. but I can't help it.. I'm afraid of the future.. what will it hold for the both of us..I don't know how to tell my parents.. " he said while caressing his belly
"No one knows what the future may hold and Jimin, I completely understand your concerns but just try to not stress okay.. and if I may suggest .. please tell your family sooner then later because I don't want you to be on your own as you go further in the pregnancy.. you'll need someone by your side.. just think about it.. okay?..
and on your next appointment.. that's next week, we'll do your ultrasound, okay?.."
"Yes.. thanks Merlin.. I'll.. I'll see what I do.. as in for now .. I'm not sure how to tell them.. but like you said.. I may have too.. I'll try.." he smiled and shook her hand and soon left..

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