we're a family

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"Is this the place ?.." asked Namjoon to Jungkook while looking at the building
"Yeah hyung, why? Don't you like it?.."
"No, actually I do like it.. I can't explain it, but I'm getting a warm feeling in my stomach already.. "
"I hope they have a bathroom here for you.." said Yoongi bluntly
"Uhm well I didn't mean that warm feeling hyung.."
Jungkook chuckled at the look Namjoon gave Yoongi who didn't look like he was serious but he didn't even look like he was joking.
"Let's go in.." said Jungkook
They all walked in and chose a place close to the books. Namjoon and Tae were already looking around the small library , which to their surprise had amazing collection of books and they were available in Korean versions too. Seokjin couldn't help but praise the whole interior. J-hope and Yoongi found an old record player in the corner, it had some classic records   which they both liked.
Jungkook smiled seeing them all liking the place. Soon a girl walked up to them "Good evening gentleman, may I take your order please?.."
"Yes sure.." said Jin
They all ordered, the waiters left to get their orders. They all sat down.
"This place is so well designed!.." said Tae still admiring the walls and sealing.
"Yes and the books, real good ones.." said Namjoon
They were busy talking when their orders arrived. They were all looking around except Jungkook who was smiling at the person who brought the orders. Jimin smiled and winked at him and place two trays on the table. He breathed in and out a few times to try to calm down.
"Your order gentleman.."
Tae was the first one who recognised the voice and immediately looked up. He couldn't believe his eyes. Infrint of him was his best friend, smiling.. He took a second to process the reality of it and quickly jumped up
"Chim!..." he yelled and hugged Jimin like his life depends on it
His scream caught everyone else's attention and they all looked at Tae.
"Minnie!.." yelled J-hope and joined Tae
Jin started to cry and joined them and hugged them all tightly. Namjoon looks at Yoongi who was also crying. They both stood up and hugged Jimin.
"I'm so sorry.." is all they heard and it was followed with sobbing..
"I'm really really sorry, I love you guys.." he said again
They all heard him and hugged him tighter
"Don't leave us like this again.. you're alright so we forgive you but don't do this to us ever again!.." They all said
"I won't.. I'm sorry.."
After sometime they let go, but not completely. Jimin just smiled looking at them, J-hope was behind him and took full advantage of it and tickled Jimin. Jimin wasn't aware and the sudden tickles made him laugh hard, his laughter made the others smile. Jimin could fall because of J-hope tickling him, this concerned Jungkook. He walked closer and pulled Jimin close
"That's enough hyung.. you're going to make him fall.."
"Ahh Jungkook-ah I was having just having some fun, it's been weeks that I haven't seen him.."
"I know.. but don't make him fall.."
"Oooo someone is possessive.." said Tae in a teasing manner
This made Jimin giggle and hide in Jungkook's embrace..
"That.. there.. that's it .. that damn giggle right there.." Yoongi said clutching his heart
Jin hit his arm and laughed.
"It hasn't been five minutes and everyone is in a better mood then they've all been in over the past few weeks.. " said Namjoon smiling and winking at Jimin.
"Its true but !.. that does not meant I don't want an explanation Jimin.. you know how bad stressing is for my skin?.. I could get wrinkles you know.."
"Uuh.. hyung.. I.. I understand.. I'm sorry.."
"I know you are Minnie.. but you got us all so worried.. and .. just .. I just want to know what happened, what made you take such a step?.. we want to help.. you know you can tell us everything.. we're a family and we love you .."
Tae walked up to Jimin and hugged him "tell us when you're ready okay?.. for me the important thing is that you're alright, that's all I care to know.. " Jin nodded and opened his arms, it didn't take jimin twice to think, he just went and hugged Jin.
Yoongi pinched his cheeks.

"Wait, Jungkook did you know about Jimin?.. that we'll find him here?.." asked Tae
"Kinda?.." asked Namjoon
"Jin hyung.. Jimin is the friend I told you about.."
"Wait what?!.. " Jin looked at Jungkook and then Jimin
"Yeah.. see I told you, he's harmless.."
Jin laughed and suddenly stopped and looked at Jungkook with a serious gaze
"So you're telling me you were staying  with Jimin the past week and didn't even tell us?.."
"I .. umm .. it wasn't.. well .. I.."
" It's a long story hyung, we'll tell you some other time... please.." said Jimin
"Fine..." said Jin.
Namjoon laughed and cupped Jimin's cheek.." not many can get him to change his mind.. thank you Chim.

They were still talking when a girl came and cleared her throat.
They all looked up at her
"Yes Lindsey?.. oh oh my God.. I'm so sorry.. I forgot to tell you all, yes you can have the rest of the day of.."
"Thank you Christian.." she smiled and blew a kiss at him
Jimin giggled when he caught Jungkook's jealous glare at her "Yeah okay.. Bye Lindsey  and please, can you put the open sign down,.. please.."
"Sure!.. Bye, bye everyone .. Bye Christian's boyfriend.." she said smiling at Jungkook..  and left.
Jungkook looked at Jimin in shock  "oh man holy shit" he said in his mind.

"Woah, Jimin, Christian?.. Jungkook ,Christian's boyfriend?.. what did I miss?.." asked J-hope looking at the two  in a suspicious way( adorable suspicious way ) ...
"Nothing hyung, nothing at all.." said Jungkook stuttering.
"OMO !" Yelled Tae looking at Jimin and Jungkook
"What?.." asked Jungkook, trying to play it cool.
"Jiminssi !! I'm you're bestfriend! How could you not tell me?! I thought I was your soulmate ..."
"Tae Tae, please... you are, but.. but I.. sorry ..  I love you..." said Jimin pouting
"Don't make that face.. I'm angry, let me be angry and you mister Jeon Jungkook.. dude!.. I thought we maknaes don't keep secrets from each other.. I'm happy because I ship it! But upset that you both didn't tell me.." Tae pouted
"Okay, what am I missing?.." asked Namjoon
"Gguk is Jimin's boyfriend.. smartest one my ass" said Yoongi, murmuring the last part
"Minnie, is that true?.. " asked Jin
"Y-yes.. yes hyung.."
"Noooo! .... " Jin almost screamed
"I.. I'm sorry.. hyung.. I.."
"Oh no.. no, Jimin oh my.. I don't have a problem, oh my God... I'm just worried this evil bunny will corrupt my poor baby.. " said Jin patting Jimin's head
"He won't, I promise.." Jimin giggled
Jin laughed and hugged Jimin
"I missed you, you know that?..
Jimin hugged Jin back and looked around at everyone, they didn't seem to mind it. Yoongi winked and smiled at him, Jimin understood that Yoongi accepted it too.. J-hope was teasing Jungkook and Tae joined him. Namjoon patted his knee and smiled..
"Yes Yoongi hyung?.."
"Is this the reason you left?.. because you thought we wouldn't accept?.."
"Jimin, we love you and we love Jungkook too, if you two choose to be in a relationship, then it's your choice and we'll always support you, we're a family,.." said Namjoon
"I.. there is something more than this.. but I can't.. I don't.. I'm.. " Jimin stuttered and got tears in his eyes..
Jungkook's saw it and walked to Jimin..
"Why don't we get outta here.." he said smiling, wiping his tears away
"Aww they're so cute!.." J-hope said
"I know!.." said Tae hugging J-hope
"Jungkook's right, let's go somewhere else.. and Jimin take your time, we're here.. okay?.." said Namjoon and Jimin nodded.
"Let's go to my place.." said Jimin
"Yeah!.. " said J-hope and Tae in collision
"Okay.. but umm.. Jungkook can take you there and I'll stay behind and close the place and I'll be right there.."
"Wait you work here?.." asked Tae
"He owns it.." answered Jungkook
"OMO!.. no wonder it's so amazing.."
"Thank you Tae.." said Jimin smiling
"You guys go ahead, I'll stay with Jimin" said Yoongi
Jungkook hesitated and looked at Jimin.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure your boyfriend is alright, okay
Jungkook smiled and nodded looking at Jimin.
Jimin gave him a reassuring smile, then Jungkook left with the rest,leaving Yoongi and Jimin at the cafe

Another chapter ✊😭💜
I'll post another soon, that one is more Yoonmin centred .. don't worry not in the ship way.. in this story it's more of a brotherly relationship 🐣🐣
Anyways, I hope you guys like it
I love y'all with all my hearteu💜

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