We're always by your side

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It was early in the morning, you could hear chirping of the birds.. everyone was still asleep in the hospital ward surrounding Jimin's bed. Jungkook had taken a chair and was next to his bed, his head resting on the bed while he was holding Jimin's hand.

Jimin felt rays of the sun in his face and scrunched his nose, opening his eyes. He wanted to to sit up but one of his hands was occupied. He looked around to make out where he was. What he saw made him tear up, but yet smile happily at his hyungs and Tae, who were all sleeping on the couches.. and his Jungkookie who had his hand in his and was also asleep.

"How did I ever think that I was doing a good thing by getting away from them. They are a huge part of my life, I made a mistake.. I should have told them, I should have trusted my friends, my family.. how could I ever think that going away from them, keeping everything from them was right.. I love you guys.. I love you all a lot.. "
Jimin was lost in his thoughts, tears forming in his eyes, some escaping.

He then felt someone wipe his tears away. When he looked up, it was Tae..
Jimin felt bad, really bad for not telling him anything "I'm sorry.." he whispered looking at his best friend.
Tae smiled and nodded, then kissed his forehead "It's okay.."

Jungkook had woken up too and saw Jimin's beautiful smiling face.
"Hey beautiful.." he said getting Jimin's attention.
Tae laughed at how adorable and soft Jungkook actually was with Jimin and gave Jungkook a thumbs up.
"Hey.." Jimin whispered. He was suddenly reminded about his baby and what happened. His face expression changed and both Jungkook and Tae noticed
"He's okay, our baby is okay.. don't stress.." Jungkook said smiling at his boyfriend.
Jimin sighed in relieve and moved a little to sit up, he felt a little dizzy and grabbed Tae's hand hard to keep himself from falling back.
Jungkook and Tae helped him sit up..
When Jimin noticed how hard he was holding Tae's hand he quickly apologised "I'm so sorry Tae.. I didn't mean to .."
"It's okay, I might as well get used to it.. I heard some stories from my cousin about moodswings in pregnancies.. just let us know if you are having them so we can wear helmets and protective gear and stuff.. around you.."
Jimin pouted and looked at Jungkook who was laughing..
"Aish.. I hate you two!.. "
"We love you too Jimin-ah!.." said Jungkook and Tae together, this made Jimin also laugh.

"You're awake! .. " said J-hope basically screaming from happiness, he woke up the rest with his loud excited voice..
Jimin giggled and opened his arms to get a hug from him.. and ofcourse he did. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi also came up to him and gave him hugs and kisses..
"You know I was so scared, I nearly cried.." said J-hope sitting at foot of the bed
"You cried and almost had a panic attack.." said Yoongi, correcting J-hope
J-hope pouted and looked at Jimin who was also pouting, but it was a sad pout..
J-hope again hugged Jimin..

"Jimin..." said Namjoon
"Yes hyung?.."
"We all love you, a lot. You are important to us. We care more about you and about Jungkook, than about the world.." -namjoon
"Yes.. I know you're scared Minnie, but you don't have to be. We, your hyungs are always by your side.." -jin
"And me too!.." - Tae
"You're not alone in this, we're all with you.. " -Yoongi
"Yes And you don't have to hide your love or this amazing news, we'll face the consequences together, like we've always done.. " - J-hope
"Yes Chim, if you're ready.. let's go back home.. our home, in Seoul.."- Tae
"Only when you're ready..okay?.."Jk

Jimin nodded and leaned on Jungkook,..
"I want to tell my eomma and appa first, than anyone else.. please..."
"Yes Jiminssi, I have to let my parents know too.. we'll tell them together.."
"I'm scared.."
"I'm scared too, but we have to.."
Jimin nodded.

"Why don't you both invite them here on a holiday and tell them?.. " suggested Jin
"But I don't want them to leave angrily.. what if they.. hate me? "
"What makes you think they'll be angry or that they'll hate you ?.. you both are forgetting that it's your parents we're talking about, they may get upset but they'll never hate you.." said Jin
"Maybe hyungs right, Jiminssi.." said Jungkook
"Okay.. after I get out of here we'll call them.., but.. but what about your photo shoot here?.. aren't you guys supposed to be doing that.. you all got caught up with me.. I'm so sorry.. "
"Stop saying sorry Jimin and don't worry about that. I'll take care of it myself. For now you rest and we'll leave you and Jungkook alone while we go talk to the doctor.. okay?.."
"Sorr.. I mean yes hyung.. okay.."
Namjoon smiled and walked to the door
"I think he has a crush on your doctor.." Jin whispered
Jimin giggled and made an "O" with his mouth.

They all laughed and quickly followed Namjoon out, leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone.

"I love them.." said Jimin in awe
"I love you.." said Jungkook smiling
"Kookie.. I love you too!.." said Jimin and got off the bed to sit in Jungkook's lap.
He put his arms around Jungkook's neck and smiled, looking at his eyes.
"Don't look at me like that, I might kiss you.."
"Who's stopping you?.." said Jimin, closing the gape between their lips.


"Bye, Jimin. Take care of yourself now, okay?... and I'll see you next month for the check-up.." said Merlin
"I will, thank you Merlin.. bye bye.."

Jungkook had to go with Namjoon and Yoongi to meet the managers.

Jimin got worried again but he soon forgot when Jin started to make an list of groceries for Jimin in the car.. Jimin frowned at some of the things. He never had them but according to Merlin her list and Jin's research, they were good for the baby.

"Hey Chim, after you have the baby, don't forget this baby.. or I swear I'll cry.." said Tae
"What a baby.." said J-hope patting Tae's head
"How will I ever forget you, my first baby.. "
"Yay!.." Tae cheered and stuck his tongue out at J-hope


Another one! 😭💜✊
J-hope you'll like it✊🐣

🐰🐣🐰🐣🐰Love you all🐰🐣🐰🐣🐰

💕🍃Next update will be soon 💕🍃

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