재은 (Jae-eun)

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Jimin's giggles rang trough the room as Jungkook drew circles on his bare thigh with his fingers, his head rested next to Jimin's belly and he eventually placed kisses when he felt any movements.
Jimin was playing with Jungkook's hair while he looked up at the ceiling, thinking about stuff.

"Kookie.. "
"Yes baby.." Jungkook looked up to make eye contact with Jimin
"We don't have a name for her yet.."
Jungkook's eyes sparkled a bit and he quickly sat up.. he smiled and layed next to Jimin
"You have any names in mind babe?.."
"Do you?.."
"Uhmm let's see, she'll definitely be cute and adorable.. so we could name her.."
"What?.. you don't even know what I was going to say.."
"I know exactly what you were going to say.. cute, adorable?.. the only thing you ever called that was Eevee.."
"I.. I called you that too.. and what's wrong with eevee"
Jimin hit Jungkook's chest
"We're not naming our daughter after a Pokemon Jungkook.."
"Jeon.. "
Jungkook laughed and kissed Jimin's nose
"Fine, fine.. we won't name her after a Pokemon character"
"Kookie, I was thinking about ....
Jae-eun .."
"Jae-eun.. I like that.. no I love that .. what does it mean?.."
"Well .. it stands for kindness and talent ...."
"I love it.. Park Jae-eun.. , it's beautiful"
Jimin smiled, his crescent eye smile and his teeth on full display.. Jungkook could see how happy Jimin was.. he too did like the name.. Jungkook moved closer and pulled Jimin in for a kiss.. Jungkook loved to kiss Jimin, his plumb lips just felt so good.. he almost emediatly missed the feeling of Jimin's lips on his as they broke the kiss.. Jimin was still smiling.. and Jungkook just couldn't help but admire Jimin

Jungkook layed back after some time, while Jimin sat up on the bed and scrolled through his phone.

"Hey Gguk.." the door opened and Tae and Hobi walked in
"Yes hyung?.."
"The delivery of the... Park Jimin where are your pants?.." Hoseok asked.. usually Jimin would get shy and cover himself but he didn't do that.. he was too tired to react on that.
"Hyung it's hard to get into one and besides.. Kookie's hoodies are long enough to cover my body.. "
"Yes Jimin that's true but even though it's long enough, it still doesn't cover up the hickies on you thighs.. ya know "
Jimin looked at his thigh and quickly pulled the hoodie down on his thighs to cover up the marks Jungkook left because he was to turned on by Jimin's bare thighs

"What the what?!.. Jungkook you bunny !.. what goes on?.. It's the first time I have seen hickies on someone's thighs.. and that too that many"
"Shut up Tea.." Jimin said a little flustered
"But hyung.. honestly hyung his thighs are just.. well really attractive and irresistible .. how am I supposed to control myself?.."
Hoseok looked and Jungkook
"The kid is all grown up.. oh god.." he prenteded to fake faint which made the maknaes laugh.

"What are you two doing here?.." asked Jin as he entered the room to only look at Hoseok in a confused way when he saw Hobi on the floor.
"Don't mind him hyung, he saw Jimin's thighs .."
"He what now?.. Hoseok why were you looking at Jimin's thighs?.."

Tae started laughing again
"Well for one, Jimin's not wearing pants.."
Jin looked and Jimin and laughed
"Well he was in his room .. so? ..I don't wear much clothes either when I'm alone in my room.."
"Too much information.. and.. anyways.. then hyung saw the hickies on Jimin's thigh which Jungkook admitted that he gave them because he couldn't control himself.. "
"What?!.. Jungkook?.. what the?... you kinky bunny"
Jin said and started laughing.

Jungkook earned a slap on his shoulder from Jimin, who was now red from blushing.

Tae dramatically closed his eyes and covered Jimin with a blanket and then he too layed on the bed.

"Okay anyways.. back to what I actually came here for... Chim the store you ordered the nursery items, they called on the landline.. they can't make it today unfortunately, they said they'll be here tomorrow around one.." said Hobi
"Oh no.. " Jimin pouted and leaned on the headboard.
"It's okay baby, it's just one day.. don't stress.. please.."
"I'm not stressing, I swear.. I just.. I was very excited.. that's all"

"Oh Minnie, don't worry.. we'll decorate princess her room tomorrow.." said Jin
"Jae-eun, hyung.." Jungkook corrected
" Jae-eun ?.."
"Yes hyungie.. that's her name.." Jimin smiled and answered

"Awwwwww that's the cutest name ever!.." J-hope cheered
Tae clapped his hands and softly touched Jimin's baby bump
"You heard that? Your name is Jae-eun.. you like it?.." Tae asked, he wasn't expecting anything actually but then he felt a kick, he looked at Jimin who clearly felt it way harder than him.
"Y-Yes Tae.. she likes it.. ouch.. "
Jungkook smiled and kissed Jimin's belly
"Ofcourse she loves it, Jimin picked it.. " Jungkook said and looked at Jin who was now in tears

Jimin saw it and wanted to just hug his hyung but getting out of the bed was not easy for him.. Jin saw Jimin trying to get out of the bed and quickly went to his side and hugged him
"I can't express how happy I am Minnie, as the days get closer.. I'm getting nervous.. I can't even emigine how you must be feeling.. I.. you know hyung loves you a lot right?.."
Jimin was now emotional too and started to cry on Jin's shoulders
Soon Jungkook, Tae and Hobi joined in for the hug

"Having a party without us?.." said Yoongi while he and Joon also entered
"Come join, we're group crying.." said Tae, both of the boys not questioning anything, they joined the hug..
The group hug didn't last long though because Jin scolded everyone to give Jimin some air..

No one left the room though, they all stayed there.
Jimin was on his bed with Tae by his side, Jungkook sat on the ground while he leaned on the bed and Jimin played with his hair, Yoongi and J-hope were on the couch.. and were kinda in their own world.. which ofcourse the two very observant soulmates noticed but didn't tease and let them coo at each other, Jin was on the other couch and was giving Namjoon a back massage who was on the ground infront of him.

"Hey Jiminssi.. so what will
Jae-eun her surname be?.. Jeon? or.. Park?.." Tae said while he sat up and rested his head on his handpalms
"Park.." Jungkook said while looked at Jimin and winked
"Park?.. and you have absolutely no objection?.. you're so sweet Gguk.. "
" I know right?.. but honestly.. everything Jimin hyung is going through, all the pain and sleepless nights.. everything.. I don't mind what ever surname he wants.. he has full rights to choose.. I will happily accept and... also we can't use my name because we're not married yet.. so.."

"Oh.. well honestly Park Jae-eun sounds nice.. I love it!.."
"I love it too.." said Jungkook

The room got quiet again, it was a comfortable silence but.. it wasn't quiet for long though because
Tae and Jungkook found out that their favourite game got new series so they excitedly started talking about all the new features.

"Jin hyung.. " Jimin called
"Yes Minnie?.." Jin looked up from his phone
"I'm hungry.." Jimin said in a small voice
Jin smiled and stood up..
"I guess we can all use a lunch break.. "
"Yes please.." Namjoon said and stood up
"Lunch break!.." Jin announced
"Yay.." Tae cheered
Jin laughed and ruffled Tae's hair only to result in him pouting

Meanwhile Jungkook helped Jimin get out of bed and they all went to get some lunch.

Jimin wasn't allowed to do anything and so was Namjoon, so they both went to look for a good movie, while the others prepared lunch.

They all settled on the movie 'Me before you'
After having their lunch they brought pillows and blankets into the living room and cuddled and watched the movie further

New chapter 🐣
J-hope you guys liked it 👉👈
And what do you guys think about Park Jae-eun?💓

" Somewhere out there my soulmate is pushing a pull door. I just know it."

Love you all so so much !
Till the next update, take care and sleep well 😘

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