I see my future in your eyes

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"Kookie?.. where are you?.. kookie?.."
Jimin walked in to the dark hotel room Jungkook had called him to.

Jungkook wrapped his arms securely around Jimin and kissed his neck
"I'm right here with you, beautiful.."
the lights turned on, the room was decorated beautifully with balloons, plushies, teddies, Jimin's favorite flowers.. a lot of chocolates.

The music turned on
( Perfect, Ed Sheeran)

Jungkook walked infront of Jimin and extended his hand for Jimin to take it.
Jimin smiled and took it..
They started dancing slowly.

"Kookie.. this.. it's so beautiful.."
"Not as much as you baby.." said Jungkook and kissed Jimin's nose, Jimin giggled, but his eyes filled with tears.. he hugged Jungkook as tight as he could, he could hear his heartbeat..
Jungkook slowly moved with Jimin to the sound of the beautiful song.
Jungkook kissed away Jimin's tears.
"Please show me your beautiful smile.."
Jimin smiled, tears falling from his eyes..
"Why do you love me so much?.. what did I ever do to deserve all this, to deserve someone like you.."
"You deserve so much more Jiminssi, you're so pure at heart, so beautiful, so kind, you're an angel send from above.. everytime I see you, I fall in love with you even more than before.. it's not just your beautiful smile, your beautiful eyes, your beautiful cheeks and face.. it's also your beautiful heart and soul.. I can't help but be in love with you.. "
Jimin didn't know what to say, he was truly speechless.. the love he saw in the man's eyes infront of him, the man he wants to spend his life with, the man who is his life.. what Jungkook meant to him, what he meant for him.. It wasn't possible for Jimin to say it.. he didn't have the words to express his feelings.
He went on his toes and wrapped his hands around jungkook's neck, he brought his lips closer and kissed him.
Jungkook smiled while he kissed Jimin. He looked in Jimin's eyes, behind the tears.. there was so much there, so many things his eyes were saying.. and he understood.

Suddenly rose petals fell from the ceiling.. Jimin was awestruck and looked around with the brightest, the most beautiful smile ever.
When he turned around, Jungkook was on one knee, he had a box in his hands.
He smiled and took Jimin's hand and kissed it before letting it go..
He opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring in it.. Jimin was in tears.. his hands covering his mouth.
Jungkook smiled
"Park Jimin, my beautiful boyfriend, my angel, my everything.. I know maybe it's early, I know we have a long way to go.. I know it's not possible here, but I still.. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine, forever and for always.. I don't know about our future.. I just know that I love you.. and you're all that matters.. I want to promise you, promise that no matter what happens, no matter what the future holds for us.. I want to be, I will always be next to you, with you.. the road is long, with an unknown destination, but Jimin will you walk with me to that destination, will you be by my side.. do you want to be with me until the end of the road?.. Do you want to spend your life with me? Do you allow me to be with you by your side forever?.."
Jimin wiped away his tears and nodded pulling jungkook's shoulders so he stands..
"Yes.. ofcourse.. yes kookie.. yes.."
Jungkook smiled and took Jimin's hands and put the ring on..

Jungkook sat down and pulled Jimin on his lap, he didn't want Jimin to stand any longer.
"I love you so much.." Jimin said, almost like a whisper, enough for Jungkook to hear, he rested his head on Jungkook's chest so could hear his heartbeat.
Jungkook smiled and softly massaged Jimin's back and shoulders.
"I love you too, baby.."

Jimin moved a little and chuckled, he took Jungkook's hand and placed it on his belly. Jungkook felt the kick..
"Our baby approves too.." said Jimin

Jungkook had tears in his eyes now, the feeling of being a father, it was still so amazing.. he was going to meet  this beautiful angel soon. This little angel will be a part of him and a part of Jimin.. it just felt amazing to him, his heart felt the happiness.

Jimin felt a drop of tear on his head and looked up, he too had tears in his eyes. Jimin kissed away jungkook's tears.. and smiled resting his head on Jungkook's, he kissed jungkook's head and looked in his eyes..
"You're going to be an amazing father, kookie.. "
"I hope so babe.."
"I know you will.. "

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin, Jimin rested his head on Jungkook's shoulders.

Jungkook, the kid Jimin met when he was 15.. the kid who made him feel and realise love at such a young age.
Jungkook a shy, not very social silent but multi talented boy who had just turned 14, the golden maknae.
Jungkook hated sharing, he didn't like showing emotions, he was shy around everyone. Jimin the happy mochi,loved making friends and always happy to share and help out others.
Jungkook was afraid to be around Jimin, not because he didn't like Jimin , it was because he felt something but he didn't know what it was. Jungkook always pushed Jimin away, but Jimin never gave up and always showed his affection, his love for the younger. Jungkook could see that Jimin really cared and he loved the way Jimin was always around him, but he just couldn't admit it.

When Jungkook got older, he changed.. living with his hyungs, he learned a lot from them.. he learned to share, to be comfortable with friends, to trust friends..
What he also learned was love, he then realised what the feeling was that he had for Jimin, it was love..
Jimin didn't change much when he got older, he stayed the same loving, caring and happy mochi he was..
He just got surrounded by insecurities  which he bravely faced.
He got more shy and didn't show the same affection for Jungkook as before, even though Jungkook knew and even saw how much Jimin loved him and cared for him.
It was now Jungkook who showed his love openly, not using words.. just his actions.

One drunk night.. that night changed their lives.. that perfect night, being drunk made them do something they both wanted but could never say it because of the fear that the other will not accept it.

That night and this night.
That night, they were drunk
This night, they are sober and the night is drunk, drunk in love..
What has stayed till this night, is the love, it has grown more and it'll grow more in the future..

Jungkook smiled and pulled the covers on them. Jimin had fun and so did he...
Jungkook as always wrapping his arms around Jimin, Jimin's thigh resting on his hip..
It was a beautiful night, a perfect night.

I was feeling very soft and fluffy today🐣💞

J-hope y'all liked this chapter.
I'll reply to all your comments soon, love y'all!!💜🐣🔐
Till the next update. 🐣🐰
Good night, sleep well
Sweet dreams my babies 💜

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