Butterfly effect🌹

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Today was the day.. the day both boys had been looking forward to, it was the day that had them staying up the last two nights because they were too excited to sleep..

All the people close to them, even Jin's father, Hobi's sister; Yoongi's brother, Namjoon's mother and Tae's mother were there, with them,.. to be part of this beautiful occasion..

They had arrived two days ago..
The west side of the resort was booked only for them..

It was still early in the morning.. so everyone was still in their rooms..
Some were asleep while others were just in their rooms enjoying the beautiful view and the quiet and very calming atmosphere of the Malta beach..

Jungkook was peacefully asleep.. with Jae-eun on his chest.. still asleep and Jae-hyun was snuggled to his side.. also asleep..

Jimin couldn't sleep much.. and was now sitting by the window drinking some tea, he looked at the beach.. it was so calming.. with the sun now rising beautifully..

His mind was occupied with so many thoughts.. good and bad.. soon he was going to get married.. soon he will have Jungkook's name connected to his.. and his to Jungkook's...

He sat there for an hour and was almost... lost in his thoughts.. when..
"Baby.." Jungkook called getting Jimin's attention.
Jimin smiled and stood up to go to him.
Jae-eun and Jae-hyun were awake, but not fully.. they were still laying next to Jungkook and looking at Jimin with their doe-eyes, just like the ones Jungkook has..

Jimin smiled kissing their cheeks and just climbed on Jungkook and pulled the cover on him.. it made Jungkook chuckle, he kissed Jimin's cheek and let him sleep a bit...
Jimin was fully covered and on Jungkook's body.. he was hidden completely..
Jae-eun and Jae-hyun were now playing with Jungkook's hand.. both giggling when Jungkook suddenly tickled them..

Tae, Jin and Jungkook's mother and grandmother were outside the room to wake them up.. but they were all a bit unsure if they should walk in or not.. that was until Jungkook's grandmother had enough and just pushed the doors open..

They entered to see Jungkook already awake and playing with the babies.
"Ah you're awake.." his mother said with a found smile
"Wait.. where's your boyfriend?.." his grandmother asked
It made the others realise too that Jimin wasn't in the room..
"First of all, his my fiance.. and second he's here.." Jungkook answered

"Where though?.. " Jin asked and peeked to the bathroom to see the lights off there
"Min min!!!..." Tae called

Jungkook's mother was about to say something when Jimin popped his head out of the covers..

Jin and Tae started laughing at the way Jimin looked up at them with one eye closed...

Jungkook's grand mother looked away seeing the current position of both men..
"Jiminni, honey.. how didn't I see you there?.."
"He's tiny.." Jungkook said..  Jimin was so sleepy to do anything about it and just made a whiny sound

"Jimin.. honey.. didn't you sleep well?..you look tired.." Jungkook's mother said and walked to the bed, to their side..
She softly caressed Jimin's head earning a smile..
"I woke up too early.. that's why,mom.." Jimin said and sat up rubbing his eyes cutely..

Jungkook's mother smiled and moved so Jimin could get out of the bed
"Let's get our two grooms fed now.. " She said

"Amma!.." Jae-hyun cried when he saw Jimin walking away..
Jimin just smiled and picked him up
"I'm here baby.. I'm here.." Jimin said and kissed his rosy cheeks
"Amma!.." Jae-eun called, she pulled on Jimin's sweater.. she also wanted Jimin to pick her up.. " Aww baby.. come here.." Jimin said and managed to pick them both up.
"Wow you're strong.." Jungkook said
Jimin turned around and winked at him, then continued walking with everyone, out of the room

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