We miss you

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A week after Jimin left.

After a week Tae decided to open the bag Jimin left with all the letters and gifts..
he wanted to know why his best friend just left.. how could he?.. to Tae it felt like years .. he wasn't giggley or talkative at all..  everyone was going trough it.. Jimin didn't even realise how much he ment to them.. the atmosphere was sad.. no one really talked.. they trained and got home and that's about it..

Tae walked into the living room where everyone was, he put the bag on the table and looked at everyone..
" Jimin left these and it has all our names.. maybe we should just look at them?.."
"Really? Now?.. you want to see what gift your so called best friend left you huh?.."
"Jungkook!.. behave yourself!.." Jin snapped at Jungkook..
Jungkook rolled his eyes and mumbled "sorry.."

Tae nodded and started to hand out the letters and gifts ..
After he did that..  he sat down and looked at his own letter..

Namjoon opened his letter

To my dearest Joonie hyung,

You're the most amazing leader and friend, no brother, anyone can ever ask for..
Please keep doing what you're doing hyung, you're really good at it..
You made a lot of people smile including me, when times were hard..
I wish I could explain to you why I'm leaving.. but it's better if I don't..
Keep smiling and moving forward..

Saranghae hyung,
                            Your little Mochi ♡

After he read the letter he wiped off the tears and opend his gift..
He smiled when he saw what it was..
It was a custom snowglob in which little figures where hugging each other.. when he looked closely it was actually them.. all seven together, happy..


Next Hoseok read his

To my dearest Hoseok hyung,

You're our hope, our Angel..
You're the sunshine in our lives.. just like the sun lights up the world, you have managed to light up a lot of hearts.. one of them was mine..
Please never change hyung, they'll need their sunshine hyung ..
I'm sorry hyung
saranghae hyung,
                                     Your Jiminni

Hoseok opened his present, it was a necklace of the sun.. he smiled and kissed the necklace..
"Why did you go Jiminni?.." he whispered as he put it around his neck..


Next Jin read his

Dear Jinnie hyung,

Mr worldwide handsome. You're simply the best hyung.. because of you I didn't feel lonely .. I didn't miss my home much.. it's because you take such good care of everyone.. of me..  you know us well, you know how to handle us, you raised us well .. hahaha.. it's true..
Take care of everyone hyung and let them take care of you too.. you deserve all the love..
Saranghae hyung,
                                Your Jiminna♡
Jin looked in the little box. It was a chimmy plushie wearing a Mario costume.. Jin smiled at the gift.. he made Jimin promise that he would wear something like that on his birthday.. but before Jimin's birthday arrived, he had already left for reasons no one knew anything about..
Jin hugged the plushie ..
"Just come back home Minnie.. I don't even need an explanation.. just come back.."


Next was Yoon-gi

To dearest Suga hyung,

I know you're upset.. I'm sorry hyung. Please forgive your little Jimin..
Hyung you're very brave and strong..
You were always with me wherever I was alone.. you gave me strength hyung. Don't be hard on yourself and please be nice to the makneas, they love you ... be happy hyung, you deserve to be happy. If you're happy I'll be happy..
Saranghae hyung,
                                 Your Jiminnie ♡

Yoongi looked in the wrapper, there was a box, he opened the box  it were dogtaggs.. on them were written "little meow meow" , "you got this" and "spring will come"
He smiled and wore them.. he didn't stop his tears from falling.. he was missing Jimin.. and he didn't want to hide it.. "Jiminnie.. hyung can't smile without you.. we need you.."


Next was TaeTae

My dearest soulmate,

You know me well. You're my bestest friend, My soulmate.. we've been together since I started.. you know me better than anyone.. I'm sorry I'm leaving our promise half way .. the promise to walk on a path of happiness together.. but you'll have to do it for me too..
Smile and don't be upset.. don't feel sad.. never give up.. just look up at the sky, to the moon.. we're under the same sky.. you're my little baby.. I raised you on my back.. don't ever forget me.. Please..
You'll always be in my heart.
Saranghae TaeTae,
                                  Your Minnie hyung

Tae got a box, he opened it .. it was a charm bracelet .. with snowflakes; leaves and butterflies
There was another note attached
It said It's a pair, the other one is with me
He just put the bracelet against his chest and closed his eyes ..
He didn't say anything... his heart just knew how much he missed his best friend..


It was Jungkook's turn..
He was angry, upset and heartbroken.. he didn't want to read the letter.. but after Namjoon and Jin asked him.. he decided to read it..

My dear Kookie,

If you're upset, if you're hating me right now.. it's okay, I deserve it. I promised  you something but I'm breaking it. I'm not going to ask you to forgive me or not to hate me Kookie but please.. Please don't be hard on yourself.. it's not your fault, I made a decision, It's something I had to do..
Kookie, you mean a lot to me.
Live your dream, be happy and keep moving forward.
Saranghae Kookie

He put the letter aside not showing any emotions.. he looked at the small box .. there was another note attached to it: I didn't know what I should give you... so I'm leaving behind my most precious ring. It was a gift from my parents.  It has always brought me a lot of goodluck, I'm sure it will do the same for you.. XOXO

Jungkook looked at the ring, his emotions getting the best of him..
He stood up "I'll be in my room.."
And left..

((New chapter!!! Was it too sad or bad?.. :( .. let me know in the comments.
Thank you all for reading this


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