missed you

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Jimin woke up early because he got so hungry that he couldn't keep his eyes shut. He made some hot cocoa and some waffles. He hated that he was always hungry now and sometimes it would concern him, but as soon as he took a sip of his cocoa.. the thoughts left and he enjoyed his breakfast..

He did some chores and got ready.. it was quit chilly outside.. so he made sure to wear warm clothes so he doesn't catch a cold ..

He walked out of his building and walked to his car, he opend it..and got in and started it..
Just as he was about to drive off, the door opened and someone came it .. he got terrified and was about to scream but then he saw the person's face

"Wow it's cold here.."
"Jungkook!.. what the fuck!.."
"Language Jiminssi.."
"What are you even doing here?.."
"I could ask you the same thing!.."
"I live here.. Jungkook.. but how and why are you here" Jimin was obviously happy but still confused and for some reason a frown on his face
"What?.. I have my reasons to be here"
"Jungkook..*sighs* what reasons?.."
"Well the person I love, you! just left me without saying a word!... "
"Jungkook... I I don't want to talk about it.. please.. I'm getting late.."
"Late for what?.."
Jungkook looked at Jimin.. He stared to be exact then smiled and put the seatbelt on.
"Fine, I'm coming with you then.."
"No you're not kookie, go home.."
"My ticket is booked for next week.. so until then you are stuck with me.."
"Jungkook... ugh.. fine.. "

It was a quick ride there and along the way Jungkook kept on joking and teasing Jimin about the fact that he was actually finally driving a car..
Jimin pretended he was annoyed but he wasn't.. he missed being with this bunny and Jungkook knows that because Jimin did smile a few times..
Jimin parked the car carefully and got out..

"Jungkook won't you get bored?.."
"Well I'll be busy the whole time until it's breaktime .. what will you do in that time?.."
"I can help you.."
"I already have people who do that and get paid for it.."
"Huh.. nice.. anyhow you're not getting rid of me so don't try.."
"What I wasn't.."

They entered the Coffee shop and Jimin started looking around..  there were quit a few people there and the Coffee area was really packed.. his focus was on his staff as Jungkook spoke..

"Yeah.. anyway.. I love you.."
"I love you t.. .. why you little.." Jimin realized and laughed ..
Jungkook laughed and walked over to a table and sat down.. he blew a kiss towards Jimin, to which Jimin just shook his head and smiled walking to the staff to help them...

After the first shift.. the shop got a little bit empty .. Jungkook was so bored he started drawing while he stole some glances from Jimin..
Then a bunch of girls came in and sat by the counter.. while the staff were having their late breakfast, Jimin attended them.. he was making their orders when Jungkook also sat at the counter..
Meanwhile two of Jimin's female staff members came to help.. they made the sandwiches..
Jimin was busy while he saw Jungkook at the counter.. he almost spilled the Coffee on the ground but he managed not to but he still got his hand burned by the hot coffee..
Jungkook stood up and quickly went to his aid..

"Aww honey are you okay?.." said one of the girls who looked genuinely worried..
"Yes.. I'm okay..  don't worry, I'll get your order"

"No you're not okay, you burned your hand.." said Jungkook while examining his hand
"Ugh.. I'm fine.. "
Jungkook still didn't listened and got some water and started to damp Jimin's hand with a cloth..

The girls looked at them in aww..
"You're very nice you know.. when I saw you sitting you were just handsome and all, but now that you're being so caring.. awww.." said one of those girls looking at Jungkook
"Yeah.. really.. btw I hope you're okay Christian.. he's been damping your hand a lot.. I hope it's not that bad " said another one..
"Yeah I'm fine,really.."
"Are you guys like friends?.." she asked looking at the boys..
"No, I don't even know this guy.." said Jimin trying to get his hand out of Jungkook's
"Oh.." she said
"No, it's not true.. he's lying, I'm his boyfriend.. " said Jungkook while winking at a confused and a little blushing Jimin

All the girls looked at them and awed
"No he's not.." Jimin said while taking his hand away..
"Yeah he is, but.. he's a little upset.." Jungkook said looking at the girls..

"Aww I knew it!.. you two are adorable together.." said the girl
"Ahh thanks.." said Jungkook displaying his bunny smile ..

Jimin got his hand back and looked at his staff "I need a break.. 15 minutes.."
They all nodded and Jimin went outside while Jungkook followed him

Jimin stood in the park across the cafe and took a deep breath, he felt a pair a strong arms wrap around his waist. He knew it was Jungkook..
Jimin wanted to take Jungkook's hands off because.. He actually forgot why he didn't want him to be close to him.. because after almost a month he was feeling better, he felt secure.. He felt tears in his eyes.. He couldn't help it anymore because no matter how much he tries to deny it, he loved Jungkook.. He loved him a lot..

Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hands and got them off his waist, Jungkook felt hurt because maybe his hyung didn't want his affection.. He was about to take a step back, but that's when Jimin turned around and hugged him, burying his head in his chest..
Jungkook smiled and pecked on his head.. his hyung did want him and his affection.. He leaned in and whispered in Jimin's ears..
"I missed you so much.. I.. I love you so much.."
Jimin heard his words and instead of stopping Jungkook, this time he tightened his arms around him..
"I'm sorry Kookie.." He whispered..
Jungkook heard him and the little sobs that escaped from his lips .. He caressed his back and whispered sweetly..
"It's okay.. I can't be upset at you.. you're okay and that's more important to me.."

They stayed like that for some time..
Then Jimin loosened his arms a little and looked up at Jungkook..
He couldn't help but blush at his smiling kookiebun..  and when Jungkook kissed his nose is when Jimin buried his face back in Jungkook's chest .. He murmured something.. which Jungkook didn't hear..
"What's that?.. I.. I didn't understand?.."
Jimin spoke but still didn't look
"I missed you kookie.. "
Jungkook wanted to know why Jimin left but he didn't want to push him.. He just wanted his mochi to be in his arms ..

"K-Kookie ?.."
"There.. there is something I.. I need to tell you.."
"I'm listening hyung.."

Jimin took a step back and looked at Jungkook..
"No, not here.. let's go to my apartment.. "
Jungkook smirked cheekily to which a earned a slap on his chest from Jimin..
"It's serious Kookie..  "
"Okay.. I'm sorry.. let's go.."

Jimin took the day off.. He knew what the consequences could be, but he has to tell Jungkook.. it's better he does it now himself then Jungkook finding it out later from someone else...

Another chapter!!💜💜
Thank you for all the reads, I appreciate it dearly ❤💜
I hope you liked the chapter💜
Saranghae 💜💜

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