It's always you (crystal snow)

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"Good morning beautiful.." Jungkook said while he wrapped his arms around Jimin and kissed his neck.
Jimin smiled and leaned on Jungkook
"Good morning kookie.. "

It's been a week now and Jimin was doing much better. Jimin and Jungkook's parents left two days ago.. and it was obvious Jimin was missing them.. Jungkook knew it and being the most caring boyfriend that he is, he made sure to always keep Jimin company and to keep him busy with the hyungs so he doesn't think much about it..

Jimin's belly was growing round and big.. he was now 2 weeks in, in the 7th month. His body was build small which only resulted in him getting tired quickly, Merlin had already told Jungkook that Jimin may have gotten pregnant but his body wasn't made for carrying a baby, this meant that the pain and sicknesses a woman usually has while being pregnant would just be twice as much for Jimin..

"Are you okay baby?.."
"Yes Kookie.. "
"And how's my little princess?.." Jungkook asked while he rested his chin on Jimin's shoulder and rubbed Jimin's belly softly.
"She's okay too but very cheeky.. She doesn't rest much and keeps having a marathon inside me.." Jimin giggled
"Aww baby .. I wish I could help you.." Jungkook said with genuine concern
"You can though.." said Jimin while turned around and locked his arms around Jungkook's neck
"How, baby??.."
"You can take me on a date.."
Jungkook smiled and kissed Jimin's forehead.
"Ofcourse baby, I'll make reservations at your favourite restaurant.."
"No, no not that kind of date.. I mean an Ice cream date, maybe a picnic.."
"Ofcourse baby, anything you want.. but wait .. umm.. is this just us or me with you and your plus one?.."
"Yes Kookie, me and my plus one.."
"Ughh do we have to?.."
"Okay okay.. fine, Tae hyung can come too .."
"Yay!... and all the other hyungs too... pwease .."
"Family picnic it is.. anything else you want baby?.."
"Yes! You, bed, cuddles and sleep!.."
Jungkook chuckled and picked Jimin up, Jimin giggled, his cheeks turned red.. he hid his face in Jungkook's chest. "You don't have to carry me, I can walk you know.."
"I know.. but I want to carry you.."
"Kookie, stop spoiling me so much.. what if I get so used to it that I'll need you to carry me everywhere.. "
"I don't mind.."
"Kookie, no.. you should mind.. you don't have to be this niceu.. I don't mind though.. but you can say no too.."
"I know baby, but I really love doing everything I do.. to be honest.. I kinda love pampering you.. it makes me happy.."
"Okay Kookie, just don't say I didn't warn you.."

Jungkook put Jimin on the bed lowered the a.c. temperature, he smiled at the way Jimin sat on the bed, cutely rubbing his belly while waiting for him.
Jungkook quickly got onto the bed and not long after, Jimin layed his head on his favorite spot, Jungkook's chest. His heartbeat was like a lullaby and helped Jimin fall asleep in no time ..
Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead and closed his eyes.

(3 hours later)

Jungkook pecked on Jimin's cheek in attempt to wake him up but, Jimin just smiled in his sleep and snuggled more to his pillow.
"Baby.. wake up.." Jungkook said softly while he caressed Jimin's cheek.
Jimin sleepily whined and pouted making Jungkook's heart flutter. He pecked on Jimin's cheek again and then whispered in his ears "you're so beautiful.. I love you.."
Jimin giggled and opened his eyes to look at Jungkook.
"Dork.. I love you too Kookie.."
Jungkook kissed Jimin's nose and looked at Jimin who couldn't help but giggle..
"Now let's go to that picnic..." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.
He helped Jimin sit up, he took a moment to adore the way Jimin was rubbing his eyes with his messy hair and revealed shoulder because he was wearing one of his clothes.. he just looked so adorable and lovable that Jungkook just bear hugged Jimin and kissed the back of his neck a few times before letting go.
Jimin giggled and put out his arms for Jungkook to help him out of bed.

While Jimin was sleeping, Jungkook had asked his hyungs for the picnic already and everyone was downstairs preparing everything.

Jungkook as always walked quietly behind Jimin while he looked for clothes and shoes.. he pouted every now and then when he grabbed something and remembered it won't fit him.. he walked around in the closet but didn't find anything he liked.
Jimin was always particular about his clothes and Jungkook knew about it.. when Jimin put his hands on his waist and pouted at his clothes, it was a signal for Jungkook to step in and help.
He put his hand around Jimin's shoulder and kissed frustrated Jimin's cheek.
"Let me help, okay?.."
"Please.. " Jimin leaned on him, all the walking around got him a little tired and Jungkook could see it.
He quickly pulled a chair for Jimin and helped him sit down.
Jungkook smiled and clapped his hands "Okay, let's get it!.." he said making Jimin regret a little but he laughed it off

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