Visit to Ilsan

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"No, No no.. I don't like this one.." Jimin said and removed the shirt Jungkook just put in the suitcase
"But.. you said it's your favorite.." Jungkook said  and looked at Jimin who was looking at the clothes
"Yeah..  but it's not my favorite now.. I don't want to wear it..."
"You made me look for it for a whole hour, Park what the hell.."
"Hey.. language.. and I wanted it an hour ago.. now I don't.. and why did you put those pants.. you know it makes my thighs look big. What are you trying to do?.. make me look fat?!.. "
"Babe.. you're pregnant.."
"Did you just say I'm fat?!.. "
"Oh my God.. Jimin.."
"That's it! Go sit on the bed. Right now. No words or I won't buy you any sweets, no cuddling and no playing with babies and no Tae.."
"You.. you can't do that.."
"I will if you don't go and put your ass on that bed and quietly drink your smoothie while I do the packing.."
"You're so mean!.." Jimin said and went to sit on the bed

Jungkook laughed at the way Jimin adorably tried to reach for the glass from the bed.. he put the clothes down and went to help.
He took the glass and handed to Jimin who took it and pouted while taking a sip

"You like it.. don't pretend you don't.."
Jimin just pouted and pinched Jungkook

"Ahghh you're so.."
"I'm What?!.. " Jimin asked looking at Jungkook why a raised eyebrow
"Very hot.. " Jungkook said and smiled when Jimin couldn't keep a straight face and smiled
"Go pack.." Jimin said and pushed Jungkook
"You're so cute.." Jungkook said and cupped Jimin's cheeks, he have him a few kisses and quickly left.

"Minnie.. Ggukie.. the clothes people are here.." Hobi called

"I don't want to go.. " Jimin said and looked at Jungkook with his puppy eyes
"Baby.  I thought you wanted to go. Is there something wrong?.." Jungkook asked and came to Jimin to feel his forehead
"No.. I mean, I don't want to go out.. all those designer and model people.. I don't feel good.."
"Baby.. have you seen yourself.."
"Yes. I look big and fat.."
"Nooo.. you look beautiful.."
"Yeah right.." Jimin said and looked away
"Baby.. I swear.. every time you're pregnant, you look more beautiful.. your hair looks so good and your face glows.. your cheeks are so cute you smell like baby powder.."
"What?.." Jimin was getting emotional but started laughing
"Yeobo, why are you always smelling me?.." Jimin said and couldn't stop laughing.
"You smell good.. " Jungkook said and sat down and pulled Jimin closer to him so he could kiss his cheeks again

"Hey stop smelling each other and come out you two.." Yoongi said from outside the room and left. It made both Jimin and Jungkook laugh

"Come out baby.. I promise you look beautiful .." Jungkook said and kissed Jimin's cheek again, then helped him up.


"Aww, Mr Park.. you look amazing.. the color looks good on you.." one of the girls said while fixing Jimin's clothes
"Oh.. thank you.." Jimin said and smiled while he looked in the mirror

" oh wow you look beautiful Min min.." Tae said, peeking in and blew a kiss for him

"Thank you.." Jimin shyly said

"Oh wow.. are you like seeing someone?.." Jungkook asked and winked at Jimin
"Go away.." Jimin said giggling

"You're glowing.." the girl said and made Jimin blush..
Jungkook just softly rubbed Jimin's back and gave him a sweet smile

They quickly rechecked and neatly packed all the clothes
"We'll be there after two days.. with your makeup team " The manager said and greeted everyone

Yoongi nodded and after a little final talk he greeted the people.

"Okay we'll leave at eleven. We're going with the van. I asked Sejin hyung to get us a driver so no one has to drive.. and our language will be in another car.. " Yoongi said and checked his phone..
"But why can't we go with the train?.." Jimin asked
"Minnie.. you'll all get bored from sitting for half an hour and with the babies it'll be harder so driving seems much better and when there's something.. we'll be able to make a stop.. and it's almost your nine month.. so no. No risks.."
"Oh yeah.. I forgot the pregnant part.." Jimin said .

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