60|Padfoot's Crush

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Hope ran back to where she left her clothes and she shifted back to human after she felt like she'd got herself back under control.


She was just finishing pulling her clothes back on, when she heard her father calling her name. Hope followed the sound of his voice and when he saw her he pulled her into his chest tightly.

"Is Ginny okay?" Hope asked into Klaus's chest. "She hates me, doesn't she?"

"She's fine. She's more worried about you than anything." Klaus explained.

Hearing that allowed Hope to feel a lot better, considering that was the thing that was on her mind the most as she was running. The thought that Ginny might hate her, broke her heart.

"I couldn't stop." Hope said trying to explain what happened. "Ever since I woke up, I couldn't focus on anything."

"Everything will be okay." Klaus assured her and tightened his arms around her. "I'll fix this."

"What did you do to Roman?" Hope asked her father after he released her from his arms and they started making their way back home. "Did he find you?"

Klaus but his lip to not show the anger he still felt towards Roman. "Yes." Klaus said slowly and wrapped his arm around Hope's shoulders, so he knew he could assure himself that she was still there with him. "I suppose I have to give him some credit. He came to find me even when he knew I would probably kill him." Klaus paused then let out a small chuckle, "He said I could kill him after I'd found you, if I wanted to."

"Don't kill him." Hope said, but she knew he wouldn't or he would have already done it when he had the chance. "It wasn't his fault, and everything's okay now... well, sort of."

"He's on his last chance. But if he does anything at all that's suspicious, then he's dead." Klaus's finally said and then they continued in silence towards the Compound, with Klaus' arm remaining around Hope's shoulders in order to comfort her and assure himself that she's with him.

They got back to their home, but before Hope could go back inside, Klaus held her arm and turned her face him. "Aurora's dead." He told her.

Hope paused and let her thoughts run around her head trying to figure out what her father was implying. "Marcel going missing was just a set up." Hope realised and Klaus nodded grimly. "Kai siphoned from Aurora, so you could actually kill her."

Klaus nodded again in agreement, not knowing what he could say to comfort her. They went back inside and found Elijah and Hayley where they left them before, talking quietly with each other, Roman and Ginny were not where the father and daughter duo had last seen. The fact that Ginny had gone caused Hope's mind to confirm her that Ginny hated her, even though her father had assured her that wasn't the case at all.

Hayley ran over as soon as she saw Hope and pulled her back into her arms, like she had done when she found Hope in the pantry a few hours previously.

"Where did Roman go?" Klaus asked Elijah, spitting out Roman's name as though he was dirt and didn't even want to speak his name.

"I said it was probably best if he went before you got back." Elijah said, looking over at Hope with concern.

"Good idea." Klaus said, though they could all head the lingering disappointment that he couldn't do something to the younger vampire to inspire absolute terror in him to keep him away from his daughter in the foreseeable future.

"And where's Ginny?" Hope whispered to Hayley as she wrapped her arms back around the older woman.

"She's not upset with you, you know." Hayley said and pushed Hope away gently so she could look into her eyes, keeping her grip on her arms. "She's worried about you."

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