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"Hello, Beautiful." The snatcher who appeared to be the leader sneered at Hermione as he walked towards her.

Hermione stumbled back with a gasp and looked at the others who looked unsure what to do.

Hope squeezed Draco's hand as she tried to think of a plan to ensure her friends don't get hurt. They all share a look before deciding the only thing they could do in that moment was run.

Hope could easily kill them all but she doesn't want to risk her friends and boyfriend being in danger.

"Well, don't hang about!" The leader shouts to the others snatchers. "Snatch 'em."

They kept running through the trees trying to get the snatchers off their trail but they easily followed them. Draco didn't let go of Hope's hand as she led him threw the trees more swiftly with her enhanced speed. They could hear the explosions happening in the forest but Hope kept running trying to get to where Hermione was.

Just as Hope saw Hermione up ahead she could see Harry also running to the clearing. Hermione has a look of desperation and fear on her face as she pointed her wand at Harry's face and blasted him to the forest floor.

 Hermione has a look of desperation and fear on her face as she pointed her wand at Harry's face and blasted him to the forest floor

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Harry groaned as he fell to the floor and his face began to change and disfigure. Hope let go of Draco's hand and ran to wrap Hermione in hug as both girls dropped to their knees checking on Harry who appeared out of it, as if he was having another vision.

"The hallows exist." Harry suddenly announced sitting up. "But he's only after one of them... the last one. He knows where it is. He's gonna have it by the end of the night. You know who's found the elder wand."

Before Harry could finish speaking Hope was yanked off the ground harshly by her hair and pulled into a strong figure with an arm across her throat, she saw Hermione being handled in a similar way.

Hope saw Draco was also being restrained as was Ron who was being dragged over through the trees.

"Don't touch her!!" Draco and Ron shouted in sync struggling out of their captures hold trying to get to the girls they love.

Ron was hit in the stomach and forced on to ground whilst Draco was pushed harshly to his knees with a wand appearing at his throat.

Hope felt a searing rage flood her body and she began fighting the man holding her. She growled and she felt the familiar veins growing under her eyes and she bit down on the arm that was crushing her airway.

The man behind her screamed in pain and pushed her away from him as he cradled his now mutilated arm to his chest.

Hope turned her eyes on the man stood above her boyfriend who suddenly looks nervous and begins removing the wand from the blondes throat. Before he can move away from Draco he collapses to the ground with a snapped neck thanks to Hope.

 Before he can move away from Draco he collapses to the ground with a snapped neck thanks to Hope

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The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now