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Hope woke the next morning with arms wrapped around her. She smiled as she turned in the arms to look at her sleeping boyfriend. Hope reached her hand up and gently cupped his cheek then she began to teasingly trace her fingers down his neck to his chest.

Draco groaned and then rolled over crushing his body on top of Hope in the process. Draco's face was buried in Hope's neck and she could feel his breath slowly warming her skin. Hope manages to move her hands carefully trying not to wake Draco and she trails her hands up and down his sides. Draco starts moving and then as his eyes open he tries to hold in a laugh at the tickling sensation. But when Hope sees he's awake she digs her fingers into his sides again and Draco nearly falls off the bed trying to get away from her teasing hands.

Draco grabs her wrists swiftly and holds them above her head on the bed they're sharing. Draco leans down towards Hope's face with a smirk. "And what do you think you're doing?" Draco teases her as he straddles her waist.

"Waking you." Hope said with a face of innocence but Draco could see the playfulness in her eyes.

"Oh. Were you now." Draco asked sarcastically as he leans down to kiss her.

Hope starts kissing back and she doesn't notice Draco has let go of her wrists until his fingers are digging into her sides like she was doing to him earlier. Hope flinches at the sudden contact and tries to get out from underneath him as a laugh is on her lips. Draco smirks into the kiss as Hope's hands try to push him away but his hands continue their playful assault. Hope bites down harshly on Draco's lip and his hands still at her hips. Draco pulls back and can feel wetness on his lip, he uses a finger to touch his lip and when he pulls it back to look it's covered in blood. He turns to look at Hope who is smirking slyly as she grabs his hand and pulls it to her face. Draco has to bite his sore lip to keep quiet when Hope puts his finger in her mouth and licks the blood off and continues to suck his finger.

Draco's other hand goes under Hope's shirt and he begins tracing circles on her toned stomach. Hope releases Draco's hand and she reaches up to help Draco take his shirt off, just as it falls from his shoulders the door flies open.

Surprise, surprise, it's Ron interrupting them. Hope can see his face turning red as he finds the couple in yet another compromising position.

"Is that Weasley?" Draco groans as he leans down into Hope's neck. Draco didn't need to look to know who it would be.

"Obviously." Hope chuckles and Ron's face gets darker.

"Yes, Ron." Hope looks at the blushing boy. "Did you need something?"

"Sirius and Remus are here." Ron announces and then turns to run from the room, it sounded like he tripped in the hallway if his cursing was any indication.

"Come on, we need to get up." Hope tells Draco who reluctantly gets off his girlfriend so they can get dressed.


Harry and Hermione has just sat at the table with Remus and Sirius ready for a much needed discussion about what their next plan of action will be. They had sent Ron to wake the sleeping couple despite his protests that it wouldn't be a good idea for him to go. Hermione ignored him and pushed him towards the stairs.

A few minutes later a red faced Ron came storming down the stairs. He took his seat next to Harry and glared at Hermione who was sat opposite him.

"What's the matter, Ronald?" Hermione snaps when Ron doesn't say anything.

"I told you I didn't want to go up there." Ron groans as he puts his head in his hands.

"Ron. I thought you didn't have a problem with Draco anymore." Hermione said exasperatedly.

"I don't!" Ron shouts. "But I have a problem when I keep walking in on them... doing things." Ron said uncomfortably and his face was red again.

Sirius snorts and the others try to hold back their laughter but they can't.

Hope and Draco walk downstairs at that minute and join them at the table. Draco sits down and pulls Hope into his lap. Seeing this Ron goes red again and the others start laughing again.

"What's so funny?" Hope asks looking around the table.

"So what things... were you two up to?" Sirius asks the couple with a smirk in Ron's direction.

Now it was Hope and Draco who went red in the face.

"So." Hope said loudly to stop the laughter. "What are we here to talk about."

Everyone's moods somber then and they begin making a plan of how to deal with the remaining Horcruxes. Hope feels a tightness in her throat when she looks at Harry and knows what his fate will be if he's to destroy Voldemort.

"My aunt." Draco suddenly announced and everyone turned to look at him. "She mentioned being given something important that nobody else should see."

They decide that was important knowing Bellatrix was one of Voldemort's most loyal followers.

"Where would she have put something important like that?" Harry asks.

"Gringotts." Draco said.

"We'll need a way to destroy it as well." Harry said suddenly. "They took the sword from us when we were captured."

Sirius and Remus left Grimmauld Place after the plan was made to search Bellatrix's vault. Harry, Hermione and Ron will go to Gringotts to see if they can find a Horcrux. Whilst Hope told them she needed to go visit her aunt to discuss something.

Hope and Draco travelled to New Orleans through a Floo network. Hope had Freya set it up at the compound so Hope could easily get home if she needed.

Hope and Draco arrived and Hope asked Draco to wait in her room whilst she found Freya.

Hope knocked on her aunts door and after hearing shuffling inside Freya opened the door panting heavily. Hope could see Keelin on their bed also breathing heavily.

"Hi aunt Freya." Hope chirped and she was wrapped in her aunts arms immediately and pulled into the room.

"Hi Keelin." Hope hugs her aunts wife.

"You know your always welcome, but what are you doing here?" Freya asks sitting by her niece.

"Have you ever heard of a resurrection stone?" Hope asks. Freya just shakes her head in response.

"Do you think if it was real and I found it, I could..." Hope trailed off.

"Could bring them back?" Freya finishes for her knowing she would do anything to bring her parents back. "It's possible. It's called a resurrection stone so I'd assume that's what it would do."

After explains how she learnt of the stone Freya said she would do some research and contact Hope if she found out anything.

Hope finds Draco in her room lying on her bed with his hands behind his head. His eyes are closed and his chest is rising slowly as he sleeps. Hope walks over then jumps on her bed, straddling him. Draco wakes instantly and his eyes are wide with surprise.

"Are you ready to go?" Hope asks grinning above him.

Hope jumps off him then runs out her room towards the fire place. Draco's not to far behind rolling his eyes.

Hope and Draco arrive back at Grimmauld Place and a few hours later the others return drenched with water from head to toe.

"What happened?" Hope asked.

"We found something." Harry said holding up a small trophy like object.

"I mean why are you all wet?"

"It was harder to get in than we thought." Hermione said. "We apparated away and ended up water somewhere."

"But we rode a dragon." Ron said excitedly.

Hope and Draco looked at them with disbelief and they both shook their heads in sync.

"I had a vision." Harry announces. "Voldemort knows we're destroying the Horcruxes. One of them is at Hogwarts."

"Time to go back to school." Harry said and they all prepared for their next adventure.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now