21|Hero Complex

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Harry was still trying to get close to Slughorn to find out something important for Dumbledore. Harry wasn't having much luck, so he realised he needed some. He drank the Felix Felicis and said he was going to go visit Hagrid. When he said this the others were confused but Hope figured that the liquid luck was influencing him so she left him to it.

Hope had a more pressing matter to attend anyway. After spending the day with Ginny, Hope visited the headmasters office in the evening but realised she didn't have the password to get in. Just as she was about to turn away the doorway opened and out walked Professor Snape.

"Miss Mikaelson, what are you doing?" He asked in his monotone voice.

"I need to see the headmaster." She pleads. "It's really important."

Snape is silent for a moment but then he nods his head to the door which was still open. "Quickly." He said.

"Thanks, Sir." Hope said and ran up the steps.

"Professor." She calls out when she enters the office.

She looks around and she finds Dumbledore stroking his Phoenix in thought.

"Hope, my dear." He said when he noticed her presence. "What can I do for you?"

"You're dying. Aren't you?" Hope said bluntly and the kind smile was gone from the old mans face instantly.

"Yes. I am. How did you know?" He inquired curiously.

"Every time I saw you this term I could... sense something and then I saw your hand and I could feel the dark magic from it." She explains. "What happened?"

"I tried to destroy a powerful object. But in doing so I payed the consequence." Dumbledore said grimly. "This object was what's known as a Horcrux."

"What's a Horcrux?" Hope asked.

"An object used to ensure immortality. But to create one a person must perform the greatest sin. Murder. In doing so they split part of their soul." Dumbledore explains.

"Voldermort has a Horcrux." Hope states.

"From a memory Harry obtained for me I believe he made seven." Dumbledore said sadly.

"So, how do you destroy them?" Hope asks.

"I believe it can vary. When he was 12, Harry destroyed a Horcrux, he didn't know what it was. He used a Basilisk fang to stab Tom Riddles diary." Dumbledore explains.

"So that's two down and five left to be destroyed?" Hope asks.


"And you want Harry to destroy them."

"I don't want Harry to be put in danger. But the only way to defeat Voldemort is to destroy his Horcruxes so he can be killed." Dumbledore said with a sad look. "I'm taking him with me this evening to potentially find the third Horcrux."

"No. You can't come." Dumbledore quickly said when he saw Hope open her mouth.

"Why?" She demands.

"Severus returned early this morning from a death eater meeting. As you know Theodore Nott has been tasked to kill me. But what you don't know is that he has been assigned to kill you too." Dumbledore said without his usual twinkle in his eyes. "Voldermort believes if your vampire side is triggered you will become a monster..."

"Like my father used to be!" Hope snaps. "But doesn't he realise by doing that I won't join him I'll just be more likely to kill him and his followers." She asks in confusion.

"I believe he wants to see how powerful you truly are." Dumbledore said. "Hope. Please stay safe this evening, don't be alone. Don't come looking for myself or Harry." He pleads.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now