19|The cursed necklace

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Hope was walking down the snowy path to Hogsmeade with Draco, Harry, Hermione and Ron. Draco has recently been trying to be civil with the other Gryffindors for Hope. They're aren't friends yet, but they're getting there.

"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it and yet you have no desire to find out who the halfblood prince is?" Hermione asks Harry.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." Harry retorts.

"Well it's true." Ron said. "I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione."

Draco snorted at that and Hope and Hermione glared at him.

"Well I was curious, so I went to..." Hermione started.

"The library." All the others finished in sync.

"And?" Harry asked.

"And nothing." She said. "I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-blood Prince."

"There we go. That settles it, then." Harry quickly interjected.

As they keep walking they overhear Professor Slughorn day he will be at the Three Broomsticks so they go there. Harry, Hermione and Ron go to a different table to give Hope and Draco some time alone and to spy on Slughorn.

As Hope and Draco sit down Hope can see Ginny day at a table with Dean Thomas getting cozy. Despite being on a different table Hope still heard Ron complaining about his sister being with a boy.

Hope cheers when she sees the couple start kissing and her and Draco burst out laughing when they hear Ron say "I'd like to leave."

"I guess they're not that bad." Draco said after they both calmed down from laughing.

"Who?" Hope asked.

"Your friends." Draco reluctantly admits.

Hope smiles and pulls him in for a passionate kiss. Draco grabs her waist and pulls her so she's straddling his lap. They keep kissing until they hear someone clear their throat. They both pull back and turn to look at Ron who is bright red and avoiding both their eyes.

"Yes?" Draco drawls out.

"Harry... Harry said we're going now and to let you know." Ron mumbles awkwardly.

"Thanks Ron." Hope said loudly as he started quickly walking out the pub.

"Come on." Hope said to Draco and they left the pub and caught up with the others to head back up to the school.

Hope and Draco were holding hands walking in front of Hermione who had her arms around Harry and Ron's shoulders.

All of a sudden they heard a piercing scream. They looked ahead and saw two girls, one stood up and the other laying in the snow.

"I warned her. I warned her not to touch it." The girl facing them said panicking.

The others watched on in fear as the girls body flew across the floor roughly then she was up in the air.

Hope squeezes Draco's hand and he pulled her into his side protectively.

The girls body dropped to the ground with a thud and it appeared that she was seizing.

"Don't get any closer. Get back, all of you." A voice comes from behind and they turn around to see Hagrid.

Hagrid picks up the girl gently and Hope recognises her as Katie Bell, a fellow Gryffindor.

Harry approaches the items on the ground that were what Katie's friend apparently warned her about.

"Do not touch that, except by the wrappings." Hagrid demands. "Do you understand?"

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now