16|Flashbacks Part 1

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The Memories in this chapter will be from season 4 of the originals and the next chapter will be from season 5.
Italics- Flashbacks
Normal- what's happening with the witches and wizards watching the memories


They all landed in the Pensieve and looked around, they were inside a house and saw a woman and a child walking out the door. They could hear voices coming from outside so they all silently followed the two girls.

Young Hope was being led outside holding her mothers hand going to meet her father for the first time. She could hear voices coming from outside as they approached the door.

"One day. We're in the middle of nowhere, the house is cloaked, we weren't followed, and I'm not asking!" The voice of Klaus Mikaelson spoke just as the front door opened.

Everyone noticed Hope's hesitance to step outside to the people on the decking, she had the beginning of tears forming in her eyes. Sirius reached out and gently touched her shoulders. "You okay, kiddo." He asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Hope mumbled and brushed the tears from her eyes.

Hope and Hayley stepped outside and looked at the Mikaelson siblings.

"Everyone, look who's awake." Hayley said.

Everyone watched as the man on the end stepped closer to the pair. They all could see the strong resemblance to Hope, so they all guessed this was her father.

"Hello." Hope said quietly.

"Hello." Klaus said.

"Mum, can I go play in the garden?" Hope asked.

"Yeah. Sure." Hayley agreed and they all watched the little girl run down the steps to the garden and forest area.

It was clear to everyone watching that the man was upset they could see it on his face.

"This was the first time I'd seen my dad in over five years. I was 7 here." Hope explained to everyone watching.

"Why was this the first time you saw him?" Remus asked gently.

"He was... out of action, shall we say for those five years. He was locked away." Hope said but no one really understood what she meant.

The vision around them blurred and changed it showed them the young Hope sat at a table in the garden painting.

"That's lovely." Klaus said as he approached the table where his daughter was painting a picture.

"Mum said you like to paint, too." Hope said looking up at him.

"I do. Very much." He said leaning on the chair next to her.

They all watched as the young girl nervously put a piece of paper on the table in front of where the man was leaning.

Hope looked expectantly at her dad and eyed the paper. Klaus smiled and sat down on the chair, he grabbed a small paintbrush and began to paint alongside Hope.

 Klaus smiled and sat down on the chair, he grabbed a small paintbrush and began to paint alongside Hope

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