12|Dumbledore's Army

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Hope got back from her detention and found Harry, Hermione and Ron talking about how they need to be taught by someone who can actually teach them to defend themselves. Hermione thinks Harry should teach everyone as he has a lot of experience from facing Voldemort on multiple occasions.

 Hermione thinks Harry should teach everyone as he has a lot of experience from facing Voldemort on multiple occasions

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"Hope, I also think you should help teach us, but more on physical defence." Hermione said before the boys went to their rooms.

"Why?" Hope asked.

"Your trained in combat so if the others learned how to fight then they will have another way to defend themselves if they were to lose their wands." Hermione explained.

"I'll think about it." Hope tells her friend who nods her thanks.

When Hope and Hermione got to their room and changed into their pyjamas to get ready for bed, hope calls Hermione over and they both sit on the tribrid's bed.

Hope looks at her two other sleeping roommates, and casts a spell to stop anyone listening in, just in case.

"I kissed Malfoy." Hope blurts our as soon as she finished casting her spell. Hermione's mouth drops open but no words come out.

Both girls are sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Why?" Hermione asks.

"It just happened." Hope said.

Hermione could see the emotions on her face quite clearly. "You liked it and that scared you." Hermione said as a statement not a question.

Hope nods and looks at her bushy haired friend unsurely.

"What should I do?" Hope asks.

"If you like him... go for it." Hermione finally said after thinking for a while.

"I thought you hated him." Hope looked to her friend in confusion.

"Oh, I do. But, if anyone would be able to control Draco Malfoy and make him more tolerable, it'll be you." Hermione said making Hope blush.

Hope, Hermione, Harry and Ron were walking around Hogsmeade talking about how Harry should start teaching the student defence. Harry was still reluctant to the idea.

"This is mad." Harry said. "Who'd wanna be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?" He asks making Hope roll her eyes at him.

"Look on the bright side. You can't be any worse than that old toad face." Ron said trying to assure his best friend.

"Thanks Ron." Harry said not sounding assured at all.

"I'm here for you mate." Ron tells him.

"Who's supposed to be meeting us then?" Harry asks as they approach Hog's Head.

Hope raises her eyebrows at Hermione who glares back. "Just a couple of people." Hermione tells Harry whilst avoiding Hope's look.

The door to the pub creaks open and they walk in. "Lovely spot." Ron said awkwardly.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now