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The next morning they begin trying to destroy the Horcrux. Harry and Hermione fire a lot of spells at it but it doesn't appear to be doing anything. The locket seems indestructible as it keeps bouncing back making screeching noises.

Harry rapidly fired spells in frustration but still nothing happened. Harry picked up the locket and put it around his neck.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked him.

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it." Harry said tucking it under his shirt.

"Seems strange, mate. Dumbledore sends you off to find all these Horcruxes but doesn't tell you how to destroy them." Ron said. "Doesn't that bother you?"

Harry just stared at them and stormed off with a sigh.

"Harry used a basilisk fang to destroy the diary right?" Hope asked.

"Yeah he did." Ron nodded.

"The diary was a Horcrux." Hope said.

"Of course." Hermione sighed. "But how will we find a basilisk fang."

"W-wait. Potter seriously fought a basilisk. I thought those were rumours." Draco said with surprise.

"No he found it in the chamber of secrets." Ron announced proudly.

"Of course he did. Famous Harry Potter." Draco whispered quietly without malice but Hope still heard with her heightened senses.

"We can't exactly go back to Hogwarts at the minute to find one. Not whilst the Death Eaters took over." Hope announced.

Hope had received news from Ginny when they were at Grimmauld Place that Death Eaters were now working in the school. Snape was in hiding because he broke his cover that night on the astronomy tower.

They all went about thinking of what they could do next. Ron went back into the tent to listen to the radio.

Hope and Draco just got back from scoping the place out and found Harry and Hermione talking. "What shall we do now?" Harry asks impatiently.

"We're all trying to think what's best, Harry. We're doing the best we can." Hermione said as Hope came to stand by her.

"You're not doing enough!" Harry shouts as he jumps forwards towards Hermione angrily.

Hope pushes him back before did something he would regret, he fell to the floor from the force of the shove.

Harry stood up and barged past Hope and Draco, knocking their shoulders harshly as he went.

Hope's fingers curled round his wrist before he got to far. "Take it off." Hermione demanded to the now still boy.

"I said take it off now." Hermione said as Harry turned to face her.

He grabs the Horcrux from around his neck and places it in Hermione's hand gently with a guilty look plastered on his face.

"We'll start taking it in turns wearing it now." Hermione said and walked away.

That night Hope decided she would go for a run in her wolf form to release some stress. She left her clothes piled up in the tent for when she got back. Hermione and the boys were asleep when she left. She had ran for miles and just as she was heading back she heard footsteps.

She slowed her pace until she got closer to where they were staying, she saw Hermione stood frozen as men walked around. She knew they couldn't see Hermione but the one seemed to stop and look around as if he knew someone was there. Hope heard him inhale deeply so he was getting a scent.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now