02|The Tribrid

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Freya found Hope the next morning to tell her she will be moving to a new school in Scotland. At first Hope was extremely reluctant but she realised it would be a fresh start for her as Freya told her not a lot of people know of their family history over there.

Albus Dumbledore had been in contact with Klaus Mikaelson a few days before he passed to talk about his daughter having a place at Hogwarts. After speaking to the Hybrid, Albus started researching about the Mikaelson family and Klaus' miracle daughter. Hope Mikaelson, the only Tribrid. Dumbledore was very keen for the girl to come to the school as she could be a powerful ally and friend for young Harry Potter in the war against Tom Riddle.

Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall were summoned to the headmasters office near the end of the summer.

"What is this about, Albus?" McGonagall asks when they walk in together.

"Starting next term we will have a new student joining the upcoming 5th years." Albus starts telling them and Severus gets impatient and interrupts.

"Why is that of any significance to us, headmaster?" Severus asks with a sigh.

"Her name is Hope Mikaelson, and she will be a vital part of Harry defeating Tom." Albus said and both teachers raise their eyebrows in question.

"The girl is 15. She is the only one of her species, she is known as the Tribrid. Part witch, werewolf and vampire." Albus said.

"You're bringing another werewolf to the school?" Severus asks in annoyance and disbelief.

"Unbelievable." Severus snorts.

"Severus, she's a lot different to the wolves we know of. Being a hybrid she can control the transformation. So, she will not require the wolfsbane potion like Remus did." At this information Severus looked relieved.

"Why is she just joining us now, Albus?" Minerva asks.

"Unfortunately, both her parents have just recently died. Her father contacted me before his death asking for her to have a home at this school." Dumbledore told the deputy headmistress who nodded in understanding.

"Since her fathers death I have been in contact with one of her aunts, who is a witch. She informed that at this point in time Hope's vampire side is not triggered yet. In order to trigger it the girl must die." Albus grimly informs them.

It's silent for a while until Albus continues speaking. "As for the reason I summoned you, I will require that you both support the girl in your subjects and in general." They both nod, the Potions master more reluctantly.

"Minerva, I need a word with Severus. We'll speak later." Dumbledore said with that twinkle in his eyes.

Minerva leaves the office and Albus turns to face Severus.

"What do you need, headmaster?" He asks with no emotion in his voice.

"I want you to get to know the girl. Support her with any problems she has. Now this is why I asked Minerva to leave, Hope has been exposed to a lot of dark magic throughout her life. So I want you to make sure she doesn't start heading down a dark path." Severus digests the information and agrees to the headmasters wishes.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now