41|Remember I Love You

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"I can't." Hope gasped as she held Draco's hands tightly. "It hurts."

Hope could feel her memories trying to come forewords in her mind but it felt like her head was going to explode.

Hope and Draco were back in darkness as Draco wasn't showing any memories at the moment.

Draco pulled her into his arms and tried to reassure her. "Everything will be okay. You're the strongest person I know. You can do this."


"She's bleeding." Harry suddenly said worriedly as he saw blood dripping out of Hope's nose.

"I'll get Freya." Ginny said then ran quickly out the room.

A few minutes later, Freya, Klaus and Hayley entered the room, the latter two looking concerned.

"Is she okay?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. This is normal." Freya said gently trying not to distress her brother.

"Freya!" Klaus growled angrily. "Does that look normal." He indicates the blood covering Hope's face.

"Klaus I get you're upset..." Hayley started.

"Of course I'm upset!" Klaus snapped and threw one of the chairs across the room. "Our daughter could die!"

"Bloody hell." Ron whispered nervously when the chair crashed into the wall.

"Kids, leave the room." Freya demanded and started pushing the four Gryffindor's to wait outside the door that she closed when they were out.

"She's not going to die." Hayley said determinately. "After all that she's been through she's not going to die."

"Brother." Freya said and grabbed his arm to make him look at her. "It means she's fighting. She's going to be fine."

"Then why's she bleeding?" Klaus demanded.

"Because she blocked off two years of her life. It's going to put a lot of pressure on her mind to let it all back in." Freya explained. "We just have to wait now. Let's just wait downstairs, you'll hear if they wake up. We don't need to hover over them."

Klaus starts grumbling under his breath but let's Freya and Hayley drag him out the door.


Hope was clutching her head as flashes of memories crossed the front of her mind.

"Hope." Draco whispered as he grabbed her cheeks and made her look up at him. "Remember I love you." Draco brought his lips down to hers. Hope gasped and everything went dark around them.

Hope and Draco's bodies rapidly sat up as soon as their eyes opened. Hope looked around and nobody was in her bedroom, just them. They were both gasping heavily, getting used to being back in their bodies.

"I love you too." Hope said as she turned to Draco and she jumped on him and wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest.

The next thing they knew it sounded like a stampede of elephants were running up the stairs. Hope's door was flung open and everyone swarmed into the room.

"Hope!" Klaus exclaimed and ripped her from Draco's chest and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Hey, dad." She chuckled into his chest.

Hope stepped back from Klaus and looked at all the people who were here to see she was okay. She noticed Ron kept sending Marcel nervous looks and was flinching if the vampire got close to him. Kol was also there now and he had his usual look of mischief in his eyes.

"How's my favourite niece?" Kol asked teasingly.

"I'm your only niece." Hope rolled her eyes.

Klaus walked round to the other side of the bed and yanked Draco up by his arm. Klaus was looking down at Draco with a blank face. Draco was nervous but he held his ground and let of a relieved sigh when the man just slapped his back in appreciation. "I knew you could do it." Klaus smirked.

"What happened to my chair?" Hope asked when she noticed it was broken on the other side of the room.

Klaus actually turned red at that everyone laughed. "We don't actually know what happened, we found it like that."

"Uh huh." Hope smirks. "Sure you did."

"I think we should celebrate." Hayley announced. "Let's go to Rousseau's this evening."

"I need to shower first, I've been in these clothes for... how long?" Hope asked as she pulled at the shirt she was wearing.

"A couple of weeks." Freya told her.

"Can I shower too?" Draco asked. He paled when he noticed the dark look Kol and Klaus were sending him. "Separately." Draco blurted. "Not together... one at a time."

"Brothers, stop scaring Draco." Freya scolded. "If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have Hope back. Let's go get ready and let the kids talk."

The adults started leaving the room and Hope snorted when Ron nearly fell over trying to avoid Marcel who was walking past him.

"Marcel, what did you do?" Hope asked.

"There was a bit of problem when we first met, but haven't done anything." Marcel rolled his eyes.

"What happened?" Hope asked Ron when the others had left.

"He tried to kill me." Ron exclaimed.

"No he didn't." Ginny drawled and she ran at Hope and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Thank Godric, you're back." Ginny said in Hope's ear.

"Ron's developed a bit of a fear of Marcel." Harry told Hope with a laugh.

"And it didn't help that he spilt soup all over him." Hermione said matter of factly.

"Only you could do that, Weasley." Draco smirked as he came to stand by Hope and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Hope quickly hugged her friends and told them to go get ready.

Hope opened one of her drawers and pulled out two towels.

"Let's go shower." Hope demanded and she grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him into the room connected to her bedroom, ignoring his protests that her family would kill him.

Hope shut the door to her bathroom and locked the door. Hope turned the shower on started stripping out of her clothes, she was just in her underwear now and Draco hadn't moved yet so Hope started unbuttoning his shirt for him and trailed her fingers down his chest teasingly. Draco was stood frozen but his eyes were trailing down her nearly naked body.

Hope pulls Draco down by the neck and starts kissing him.

"Do I need to get Ginny?" Hope whispered mischievously in his ear when they pulled back from each other. "I'm sure she'd like to shower with me."

Draco's jealousy and possessiveness kicked in and he spun Hope around so her back was against his chest with his arm holding her there flushed against him. Draco's other hand went up to her hair and he grabbed a fistful and pulled harshly so she was looking up into his eyes. Draco leant down to her ear. "Don't even think about it." He whispered and started kissing her neck.


Next Chapter: Drunk Draco, Harry and Ron.

Hope you enjoyed X

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