14|Department of Mysteries

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Hope has been back at Hogwarts for about a week now and there has been news of a breakout from Azkaban prison. Old death Eaters such as Bellatrix Lestrange have broken out. The ministry is blaming it all on Sirius Black, who is still an escaped convict according to the rest of the world who don't know the truth.

Hope and her friends were in the room of requirements having a meeting. The students were all practicing their patronus', even Hope, Harry had taught her how to do it without a wand. Hope's patronus was a Wolf ironically.

All of a sudden there was banging and clattering noises as the chandelier above them shook. The glass mirror covering the door shattered and everyone jumped back in shock.

"Everyone get behind me." Hope commanded and they all listened.

"Invisique." Hope said and focused on her illusion spell to keep everyone hidden. "Be quiet!" She snapped when she heard a voice behind her.

"I'll make short work of this." They could all hear Umbridge on the other side of the wall.

"Bombarda Maxima." Umbridge said raising her wand, making the wall explode. Hope remained where she was to keep her spell going. Surprisingly, the others remained silent though Hope heard them all shuffle further away back into the room.

After the explosion, Umbridge, Filch and some Slytherins were looking in the room triumphantly until they couldn't see anyone inside.

Filch was holding Cho Chang in his grasp and Hope realised she must have revealed the hidden location to Umbridge.

Umbridge looked angry and confused as she stormed around the destroyed room looking for students.

"Well, Miss Chang, that'll be a weeks worth of detentions for lying to a professor." Umbridge tells the Ravenclaw girl before dragging her to her office.

Filch and the Slytherins walk away with looks of annoyance on their faces.

One Slytherin who was stood towards the back of the group didn't leave however. He entered the room and appeared to be staring straight where Hope was stood.

Hope smiled and released everyone from the spell. Everyone left the room cautiously just in case Umbridge was still near. Harry, Hermione and Ron stayed in the room with Hope when they saw Draco.

Before Hope could move towards her boyfriend she fainted from energy loss.

Draco Malfoy ran forwards when he saw Hope falling and he caught her in his arms. He looked down at her in admiration and gently stroked her hair.

"Let go of her Malfoy." Harry Potter said whilst stepping towards the pair.

Draco ignored the Gryffindor and went to leave but Harry grabbed his arm before he could.

Harry tried to pull Hope out of Draco's arms but he just held on tighter.

"Are you obsessed with her or something?" Harry snaps. "Whenever I see you, you're always touching her."

Draco smirks in amusement, Harry and Ron think he's just being his normal Slytherin self, but Hermione can see past the sly smirk.

"Malfoy." Hermione calls getting his attention. "Can you take her to the hospital wing." She asks civilly.

"That's what I was planning, Granger." He said and walked out the room.

Hermione smiled watching the pair but Harry and Ron were speechless.

"Mione. Why would you let him leave with Hope. He could hurt her." Ron asks as if Hermione was stupid.

"Oh, Ronald. Don't be stupid, he's not going to hurt her, can't you see he likes her." Hermione stated the obvious but Harry and Ron didn't agree.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now