A/N - Questions

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Hey everyone, I was originally planning for this book to be finished soon but I now have some new plots for this book, so hopefully that makes you all happy the next chapters will be up the weekend and just had a few questions for upcoming events:

Question 1: Does anybody want to see characters like Lizzie, Landon and Josie in this book, because if so I have some ideas of how to include them in my next chapter?

Question 2: I will be bringing an enemy into the next stage of the story so some possibilities are:
-Umbridge 🤮
-Lucien Castle from the originals
-A new person who new Klaus from many years ago and Klaus being Klaus did something that made the guy want revenge😂
-Mikael Mikaelson (love the name btw😉)

Question 3: Anything anyone wants to read to about in this story that I could include. I like hearing suggestions to add things you all like💗

P.S- I've published some of my other stories to do with Harry Potter if anyone would like to check them out I would appreciate it❤️

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