47|Salvatore School

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"So, this is a school for all things supernatural, not just witches and wizards?" Hermione asked curiously on their drive to the Salvatore School.

"Yeah, witches, werewolves and vampires. And now apparently phoenixes because they're a thing now." Hope said.

"Well, what can a Phoenix do?" Draco scoffed. "Fly? We can do actual magic."

"You go flying too." Harry said smirking from the backseat.

"And I think it would be more cool to fly without a broom." Ginny said looking impressed.

Draco looked over his shoulder and glared at the smirking couple.

"Why do we need to go to your old school?" Draco complained.

"Because we're leaving tomorrow, so I want to see some people before we leave." Hope explained for like the tenth time to her overprotective boyfriend.

"Fine, lets go see Lindon." Draco snapped.

"It's Landon." Hope said slowly. "And he probably won't even be there."

"If he knows your going he will be." Draco spat.

"It's the summer. He's working. There probably won't be many people there, just Dr Saltzman and the twins unless they're spending time with their mum." Hope explained.

"If I see Lindon, and he annoys me, I won't be able to stop myself from hitting him." Draco warned her as they came to a stop at some traffic lights.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny were just silently sat in the back of the car as the other two were bickering.

"You don't have to come." Hope snapped. "I can drop you at the Grill and you can spend some time with your best friend the Phoenix."

"And leave you alone with these lot?" Draco demanded nodding towards the four behind them. "Potter will some how try and get himself killed and you'll try to save him."

"So!" Harry interrupted loudly when Hope opened her mouth to say something back. "I found my mirror."

"What?!" Draco and Hope snapped at him.

Harry ducked behind Ginny who was sat on his lap again as is their usual seating arrangements in the car.

"My mirror. To talk to Sirius." Harry explained.

"I don't care." Draco growled.

"Grow up." Hope glared at her boyfriend.

"Sirius Black." Harry said loudly into the mirror to hopefully escape the awkwardness in the car.

"Harry." Sirius's voice came from the mirror. "Prongs, your son has finally decided to contact us."

Harry blushed in embarrassment.

"Harry." James Potter appeared on the mirror trying to push Sirius out the way. "Did you get that brilliant girls memories back? When are you coming home?"

Hope smirked smugly then when she heard that compliment and she heard Draco scoffing so she glared at him.

"Yes, Hope has her memories back and I think we're coming back tomorrow. Where should we apparate to exactly?" Harry asked.

"Well, your mother and I have been staying with Padfoot and Moony but we've been spending a lot of time at the Weasley's so it doesn't matter." James said. "What have you been doing?"

"We've been swimming. I won a bar fight." Harry said smugly.

"I think you'll find that I won, Potter." Draco said and turned to face Harry with a grin.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now