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Hope calmed down enough to stop crying so she tried to start explaining what happened after Kai snapped her neck.

Hope was woke up by a finger trailing down her cheek. She opened her eyes and expected to see the familiar silver eyes she loved, but instead was looking into blue eyes with a mischievous glint in them.

"Wakey, wakey." Kai teased as he knelt over her, straddling her body.

Hope quickly sat up and pushed him away from her powerfully.

"Feisty." Kai fell backwards with a maniacal chuckle. "She's awake."

"You shouldn't have killed her you imbecile." A gruff voice snarled. "That just wastes time, that we haven't really got."

Hope quickly got to her feet and finally got a look at Mikael. She could see the similarities to her aunts and uncles in the man. She also noticed they were further away from Draco's home.

"But now she doesn't know about what we did." Kai said defending himself. "So it'll be more fun that way."

"They won't find out anyway until it's too late, as long as you keep your mouth shut." Mikael growled.

Hope looks between the two men, waiting for them to do something to her but they don't, so she makes the first move.

She gets behind Kai instantly and kicks him in the back of his knee, knocking him to the ground so she could bite into his neck when her fangs elongated and veins appeared underneath her eyes. Kai groaned, feeling the werewolf venom take immediate affect.

"I really hate werewolves." Kai groaned and looked up at Hope, thinking back to when Tyler Lockwood bit him. "But, you're smart, so you know it won't kill me because of my uniqueness."

"I know. But I don't think you'll survive getting your heart ripped out." Hope said threateningly and she plunged her hand through Kai's back and gripped his heart tightly in her fist.

"Do it then, girl." Mikael said looking bored. "He has nothing left that's useful for me."

Hope calls his bluff and rips Kai's heart out, dropping it and his body to the ground.

That's for Alaric and the girls. Hope thought to herself as she watched his body drop to the ground with a satisfying thud.

"Just like Niklaus, your impulse will destroy you." Mikael said somewhat nostalgically, but then he pulled a stake from his pocket.

Hope raised her hand, ready to attack him with magic, but Mikael threw the stake at her before she could move and it ripped through her shoulder. Hope gasped and pulled the bloodied stake out and kept hold of it.

"I'm assuming you sent that boy to get Nikalus, so I'm going to give you a word of warning, I will destroy everything he cares for, so you might want to run while you have the chance." Mikael said and turned around ready to leave.

"You're jealous of him." Hope said before she could stop herself.

Mikael spun back around with fury in his eyes and he sped over to Hope and grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the ground, keeping a hold of her neck as he knelt over her.

"Why would I be jealous of an abomination like him?" Mikael snarled, tightening his grip around Hope's neck.

"B-because all your children chose him over you every time." Hope gasped out with Mikael's grip on her throat tightening as she spoke. "And you can't stand that."

Mikael didn't say anything for a moment, so Hope took the opportunity to try and stake him but he easily yanked it from her hand and shoved the stake in her chest, barely inches from her heart.

Hope tried not to move as she looked up at him, because she didn't want the stake to pierce her heart.

"Im not going to kill you just yet." Mikael growled and twisted the stake, forcing it closer to her heart, making blood flood from her mouth. "I want Niklaus to watch as I take everything from him, before I finally end him."

"All the white oaks been destroyed." Hope said quickly trying to think things through. "So you can't kill him."

"Maybe not yet. But think about it, girl. Who would be able to kill Niklaus or my children?" Mikael asked, pushing the stake further in her chest.

"Marcel." Hope said with realisation, ignoring the pain he was inflicting on her and the blood she was gagging on. "But he's missing... you've taken him. Why? He can't be compelled anymore."

"You're right." Mikael said as he stood up, leaving the stake embedded in Hope's chest. "Well, you'd be right if he still had his newfound power."

"He may have been a complete imbecile." Mikael snarled looking over at Kai's dead body. "But he did have some uses."

Hope groaned as she pulled the stake out of her chest and she stood back up. She thought about what Mikael was saying and then a concerning thought came to her mind.

"Kai siphoned the power from Marcel?" Hope asked more to herself than to Mikael. "So he's just a normal vampire again?"

"A regular vampire that's life was linked to the very man you just killed." Mikael sneered.

Hope's eyes widened and the panic set in. Hope heard the sound of Draco and her dad appearing back in the mansion and when she turned back around Mikael was gone.

"Incendia." Hope whispered and Kai's body went up in flames.

Hope quickly sped back over to the mansion, thoughts of Klaus and Rebekah hating her filling her head and tears filling her eyes.

Klaus tightened his arms around Hope as she finished her story.

"He's not dead." Klaus said with conviction.

"But he said they were linked and Kai was pretty dead." Hope said sharply.

"That's not Mikael's style." Klaus explained. "If he was planning to kill Marcel he would've made a show about it."

Klaus let go of Hope and began pacing the room, so Draco pulled Hope into his arms and stroked her hair.

"You two are coming back to New Orleans, right now." Klaus said firmly.


"It's not up for debate, Hope." Klaus snapped. "Freya is legally the owner of the Compound and Mikael hasn't been invited in."

"He hasn't been invited in here either." Hope argued.

"Yes, but the differences is Mikael would never harm his precious, Freya." Klaus said bitterly. "I can't say the same for your parents, kid." He told Draco. "So, we're going back to New Orleans. Now."



Omg sorry it took me ages to write this chapter. I knew what I wanted to happen but I couldn't seem to write it down🤦🏻‍♀️

But I hope everyone enjoyed it, I know it's not long but the next chapter will be at lot longer❤️

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now