22|New Orleans

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Hope instantly let go of Draco's wrist when she drank a bit of his blood. "Are you okay?" She asks him with concern.

"Yeah." He said with a smile.

Draco stood up from his chair and climbed on the bed so he was leaning over Hope.

"That was so sexy, you know." He said with lust in his eyes.

"What was?" Hope asks biting her bottom lip cheekily.

"You saving the day. And being the hero." He said leaning down and leaving a trail of bites and kisses down her neck.

Just then the door flew open and Hope pushed Draco away from her, but not yet being used to her new strength Draco flew off of the bed and crashed into the floor.

"Draco, what are you doing on the floor. Get up." Severus Snape said with exasperation from the doorway.

Hope snorted in amusement as she watched Draco get to his feet with a face as red as the Weasley's hair.

"Did you need something, Sev?" Draco groaned.

"Yes. Hope's aunt would like to talk to her privately, so I'll escort you back to the dungeons." Snape said then walked out the door.

Draco kissed Hope briefly on the forehead then he left the room.

Freya walked in the room and sat by her niece. "I've really missed you."

"I've missed you too, Aunt Freya." Hope said fondly.

"Rebekah and Marcel are getting married in a few weeks." Freya said.

"Finally." Hope chuckled.

"You'll come won't you?" Freya asks.

"Of course. Can I bring Draco?" Hope asks with a hopeful smile. Freya smirks and nods her head.

"We won't be able to stay in New Orleans for long, there's things we need to do here." Hope explained and Freya smiled with pride.

A week had passed and Hope and Draco has just arrived at the French Quarter. Lucius and Narcissa gave Draco permission to go to the wedding. Ginny told Hope that her oldest Brother would be getting married that summer also, so Hope assured her that she would be back in time for that.

Hope and Draco walk hand in hand to The Abattoir aka the Mikaelson Compound. As soon as they stepped into the building footsteps were heard and a group of people stood before them. Draco recognised most of them from Hope's memories.

"So, this is the boy who stole my beautiful nieces heart." Rebekah said whilst smirking at the blushing couple.

"Everyone, this is Draco." Hope introduces.

Marcel and Kol speed in front of the pair and stare down at the now panicked blonde.

"Now, I guess you've heard many tales about our family." Kol asks. Draco nods. "So, you can probably guess what would happen if you hurt my favourite niece." Kol said and then he growled with his fangs out.

"Don't be an arse Kol." Rebekah snapped.

"We'll be going to my room now." Hope said and dragged Draco upstairs before anyone else could say anything.

"Sorry about that." Hope said when they sat on her bed.

"Don't worry about it." Draco assures her.

When Hope and Draco went upstairs Freya finally told the other members of the family that Hope had triggered her vampire side. Rebekah was a bit upset, she didn't want her niece going through the horrors that she had. Rebekah, who had yet to consume the cure that her brother arranged for her to get from Caroline Forbes, before his death, decided to give it to Draco Malfoy so he could give it to Hope at a safe time.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now