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Hope has been at Grimmauld Place for about a week now and the stress from not turning into a wolf for that time is getting to her. She is snapping at her friends and getting easily frustrated.

Hope decides to speak to someone about her issue.

She finds Remus and Sirius in the kitchen together. They both turn at the sound of her entering and smile when they see her.

"Good morning, Hope. How are you this morning?" Remus asks her.

"I'm fine, thank you, Remus." She tells him.

"I was wondering. Do you... um... have a place where I could go turn?" Hope asks.

Both men are confused until they realise what she is referring to. "Not here. But when you get to Hogwarts there is a forest where you could go if you got permission from Dumbledore." Sirius tells and she feels slightly disappointed.

"I know how you all practice fighting magic wise, but do you ever train for a physical fight?" She asks but both men shake their heads as a negative.

"Do you want to?" She asks with a smirk to both men who look at the girl in surprise.

"Come on, I need to hit something or I'm gonna explode on someone." Hope says with pleading eyes.

Remus looks at Sirius in a way that says go on then.

Sirius rolls his eyes and looks at Hope before nodding with a sigh.

Sirius stands up and approaches the tense girl. "Don't get upset when I beat you Mikaelson." He says with a teasing grin.

Before they start sparring Remus asks Hope some questions. "So you've fought in the past before?"

"I used to train most days with my old headmaster. He's ex vampire hunter so he had the experience." She tells them. "In New Orleans you need to be ready for anything."

"Lets find somewhere with more room." Remus tells them.

They walk around and find a pretty empty room. They walk in and turn to face each other. Hope ties her hair back and gets ready to fight the older man.

Sirius moves first and swings his fist at the girls face. She ducks out of the way easily comes back up with an uppercut to his chin. His head snaps back and he groans in pain. Remus is laughing in the background from seeing his lover get hit by a girl.

Sirius tries to hit her again but he missed. Again. After watching her Sirius has an understanding of her fighting style so he waits for the right opportunity to strike.

Harry and Ron walk in the room in time to see Sirius finally manage to hit Hope. His fist connected sharply with her cheek and she fell back looking surprised he finally made a hit. Before Hope can congratulate him, Harry charged over and grabbed his godfather by the arm and pulls him.

"Sirius, what are you doing?" He shouts angrily. Ron looks equally angry. The boys couldn't believe they saw Sirius hit their friend.

"Harry, it's okay." Hope tries to assure the boy but he doesn't listen.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Harry snaps over at Remus who looks unsure of what to do.

Hope grabs Harry's arm hoping to calm him down. "Harry, I promise it's fine. I asked him to train with me." Harry looks unsure but then he notices the bruise forming on his godfathers eye. Harry's face turns from anger to amusement in an instant.

"I see you're losing, Padfoot." Harry said cheekily.

"Of course not!" Sirius looked appalled at the idea of losing in a fight to a girl.

"Yes you are." Hope and Remus say at the same time.

"Let's carry on." Hope says to Sirius.

Before he can refuse she does a roundhouse kick to his face. He falls down and groans in pain.

"You win!" He shouts out before Hope could hit him again.

Hope smiles and turns to look at the others. "Anyone else want a go?" She asks and they all shake their heads in fear whilst looking at the animagus on the floor.

Hope smirks at them all and leaves the room to get some lunch.

Remus helps Sirius to his feet and looks at the bruise on his face. "She really got you, Padfoot." Remus said with a smile.

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