39|First Encounters

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Hope opened her eyes and she was in complete darkness. "Hello." She called out confused.

"Hope." A voice she recognised as Draco, the boy claiming he was her boyfriend.

"Where are we?" She asks as she can see the outline of his body in front of her but then it started to become lighter around her.

"In your mind." Draco explained. "To help you get your memories back."

"Ok. How are we doing that then?" Hope asked.

"Well, Freya said that I just need to think of my memories I have with and we'll both see them. So..." Draco said scratching the back of his neck.

"What aren't you telling me?" Hope demands when she notices the nervous look on his face.

"Um... you see... the thing is..."

"Tell me." Hope snaps impatiently.

"If you can't remember anything... then we won't wake up." Draco explained.

"Oh." Hope said. "Well that's fun."

Draco knew Hope well, despite her tough exterior he knew she was panicking right now.

"Let's get on with it then." Hope said and raised her hands in that famous Mikaelson fashion he's seen from her family.

"Well... what do you want to see?" Draco asks anxiously. Unsure about what would be best to get her to remember their relationship.

"I don't know... how about when we first met." Hope suggested.

"Are you sure about that?" Draco asks scratching his neck. "Well, I'll apologise in advance I was a bit of a jerk before we got together."

The surroundings around the couple change and they see Draco walking along the platform where they got off the train to go to Hogwarts.

Draco had a smug look on his face as he and two others boys approached a group up ahead of him.

Hope could recognise she was apart of the group he was approaching.

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter." Draco snarled smugly.

The group turned around and saw Draco swaggering behind them. Draco looks at the group he's been tormenting for years but when he looks at Hope his eyes widen.

Hope snorted softly when she saw the way he was looking at her. "Was it love at first sight?" She teased the blushing boy.

"Something like that." He mumbled.

"You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Draco growled and got up in Harry's face.

Hope holds onto Harry when he lunges at the boy who jumps back in shock.

Draco and Hope watch as a look of jealousy appears on the younger Draco's face.

"What'd I tell you? Complete nutter." Draco said while walking away from the trio plus the new girl he doesn't recognise.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry shouts whilst trying to get out of Hope's tight hold.

"Well, weren't you a ray of sunshine." Hope teased him.

"Clearly." Draco groaned in embarrassment. "It gets worse."

The scene changes and they watch as Draco and Hope bump into each other in the corridor and Draco introduces himself but it doesn't end well as he harshly demands how she knows Harry, and Hope shouts at him and walks away from him.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now