18|Meeting Pansy

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After viewing all of Hope's memories they were all thrown back out of the pensieve and back into their chairs around the table at Malfoy Manor.

"So, why did you all need to see that?" Hope asked the headmaster.

"So everyone could begin to understand the power you possess." Dumbledore said.

"Now what's the plan?" Harry asked wanting to be told something of the plan in stopping Voldemort.

The order of the Phoenix members look between each other reluctant in telling the children too much.

Before anyone could say anything, Hope stood up. "I'm a bit tired, I'm going to go to bed. Someone can tell me later what's happening." Hope said and left the room, heading for one of the spare rooms in Malfoy Manor where her stuff is.

Draco follows her out the room silently and he finds her in her bed crying. He gets in the bed behind her and wraps his arms around her holding her tightly to him.

Meanwhile, the others continue downstairs. "As you can probably tell, Harry, Lucius and the Malfoy's are no longer the enemy." Dumbledore said shocking the Gryffindors in the room.

"Lucius is going to possibly be a spy from the inside like Severus or they will have to go into hiding, maybe even fake their deaths." Dumbledore explained before Harry could say anything insulting.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"I haven't agreed with the Dark Lords motives and beliefs for a while now, but I couldn't exactly openly display my disapproval or my family would pay the price." Lucius said.

After a few confronting words Harry finally believed that the Malfoy's and Snape were to be trusted.

It was time to talk about a more pressing matter. "The dark lord wants Draco to become a death eater." Lucius announced to the room.

Narcissa gasps as this was the first time her husband mentioned this to her.

"Did he say why?" Remus asks the blonde.

"Well one, he needs more members for his inner circle now with the demise of his most loyal soldier, Bellatrix." Lucius starts but then he looks uncomfortable. "He also... wants Draco to bring Hope to him to join them."

The kids all start shouting at once saying how they can't let that happen. Dumbledore asks the Molly and Arthur to take the kids back to the burrow so the others can talk. When they're finished talking the others leave so the only ones left were the Malfoy's and Snape.

The next morning Dumbledore returns to Malfoy manor to explain what he had been thinking as a plan.

"I believe the only options are that you two" Dumbledore looks to Lucius and Narcissa "go into hiding here at Grimmauld place whilst Draco is back at Hogwarts so none of the death eaters can find you or Draco joins so we can find out what Voldemort wants with Hope."

Hope wakes up and looks around remembering where she is. She smiles when she feels Draco's arm around her.

She wakes Draco up and kisses him before pulling him back downstairs. They hear speaking in the dining room.

"I believe the only options are that you two go into hiding here at Grimmauld place whilst Draco is back at Hogwarts or Draco joins so we can find out what Voldemort wants with Hope." Dumbledore said.

Before Draco could grab her Hope slammed the door open and stormed in the room. "There is no way that is happening." Hope said fiercely. "Leave Draco out of it." She glared at the old man.

Draco grabs her arm and pulls her out the room whilst apologising to the headmaster.

"Let go!" Hope starts struggling but Draco just embraces her. "Calm down." He whispers.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now