52|The Truth

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Hope appeared back at Malfoy Manor and went back to Draco.

"I found it." Draco said when he saw her and held her phone out to her.

"Thanks." Hope said and grabbed it. "Where was it?"

"Under the pillow." Draco said avoiding her eyes, but she didn't notice as she was already dialling her father.

"Hope, do you not know how a phone works?" Klaus demanded when he answered. "I've been trying to call you all night."

"You know we're in different time zones, dad." Hope joked. "And I lost my phone."

"That's beside the point." Klaus snapped.

"What's wrong?" Hope asked worriedly.

"It appears that Marcel is missing." Klaus said and Hope could hear the anger and worry in his voice.

"What do you mean he's missing?" Hope asked.

"I don't want to jump to any conclusions, and don't take any offence." Klaus started.

"You're seriously asking if I've hid Marcel like I hid mom?" Hope asked disbelievingly, knowing what he was going to ask before he did.

"No. It's just Rebekah has been screaming the place down for days, so I'm checking out any possibility." Klaus explained.

"How could be just go missing?" Hope asked.

"I was hoping all our family drama would be over, but apparently not." Klaus said with annoyance. "Don't lose your phone again, I'll be in touch. Rebekah's just returned."

Hope ended the call and threw her phone on the bed.

"What's happened now?" Draco asked with a nervous grin as he lay down on his bed.

"Marcel's apparently missing." Hope said and climbed on top of him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her face in his neck.

"You didn't mention the cure." Draco pointed out.

"They're all a bit preoccupied, and Rebekah could have told him anyway." Hope said. "Besides, if something bad is happening to Marcel then it's probably best I don't take it yet."

Draco nodded affirmatively and tightened his arms around her small body.

"Sirius wants me to have his and Remus's baby." Hope suddenly whispered in his ear.

"What?! Oh, with the surrogacy spell?" Draco demanded but then his voice softened in his realisation.

"What actually is the spell? They didn't go into much detail." Hope said.

"It's mainly used with couples who can't have children themselves for any reason and didn't want to adopt. I don't actually know how it works, but mother said all parties involved have to give magical consent so it wouldn't work if someone was being controlled by a spell." Draco explained.

"I would say something like that shouldn't be possible." Hope said wide eyed. "But, magic always has a loophole. I should know, being the biggest magical loophole in years, so anything could be possible."

"So, are you gonna do it?" Draco asked.

"I'm thinking about it." Hope said.

They both went to sleep later that night and as Hope closed her eyes, her mind clouded over.

Hope was momentarily confused as she saw herself asleep on the Weasley's sofa and she realised she must be reliving a memory. She was wearing the dress she wore at the party so she realised when this was happening but she didn't understand why she was watching this until she heard her phone vibrating.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now