37|Road Trip

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"How are you here?" Hope asks her family.

"You brought us back, don't you remember?" Hayley asked gently.

Hope's head was starting to hurt painfully as she looks around the unfamiliar faces. Hope groans and holds her head. Draco wraps his arm around Hope's shoulders but thankfully she doesn't move away from him, he feels safe. Draco is hurt but tries to remain calm so he doesn't upset his distressed girlfriend.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Hayley asked as she grabbed her daughters hands.

"Who are all these people?" Hope asked.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Klaus asked as he stood up and started pacing.

Hope tries to think but her minds blurry and she moans at the pain and she leans closer to Draco. "I-I don't know. I think I was with aunt Freya, but I don't remember what we were doing."

"How old do you think you are, Hope?" Elijah asks her worriedly.

"15." Hope said confused.

Everyone in the room shared worried glances, it appears Hope has lost over two years worth of memories.

"Baby girl, you turned 18 not long ago." Hayley said and squeezed Hope's hands gently.

Hope starts breathing heavily and she stands up and runs from the room.

Hope sits down in the hallway and holds her head in her hands.


"What are we going to do?" Draco asks tearfully, looking out the door where his girlfriend just ran through.

"Well, who fancies a trip to New Orleans?" Klaus asked with a small grin.

Klaus knew Freya would be able to fix Hope's memories and he couldn't wait to see his sisters.

"Road trip." Harry said cheerfully trying to lighten the mood but everyone just glared at him.

So it was decided that after they found Hope a small group of the them would join the Mikaelson's in New Orleans. After begging her mother Ginny was finally given permission to go with Hope. It was decided that Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny would go with them.

After finding Hope asleep on the ground outside the Slytherin common room, Draco picked her up gently and she unconsciously leaned her head into the crook of his neck.


Klaus and Elijah compelled some men and they managed to get a mini van with 8 seats and and a car.

Hope was excited to be going home to see her family and she was still nervous around these people, but her mum and dad said she was close to them so she believed them. The blonde boy she felt safe around so she just wanted her memories back.

Elijah and Finn went in the car, and Klaus drove the minivan with Hayley in the passenger seat.

When it was time to get in the minivan Draco was slightly nervous as he'd never been in a muggle travel vehicle.

Ron, Hermione and Harry got in the very back three seats and Hope ended up sat between Draco and Ginny in the row behind Klaus and Hayley.

"So how do we know each other?" Hope asked and turned to the red haired girl beside her who blushed when she was spoken to. "Were we dating?" Hope asked with a smirk when she saw the blush on the girls face.

Klaus and Hayley shared a grin when they saw the interaction between their daughter and Ginny Weasley.

"She's just like you." Hayley told Klaus who nodded.

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