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"Absolutely not." Hope shook her head determinately. "No way."

Draco was smirking at his girlfriend as he stood in front of her with his broomstick in hand.

Hope was sat on the grass on the quidditch pitch one evening watching Draco train when he flew over and asked her to join him.

Hope shivers as they watch Draco flying. "Did I actually get on that death trap?"

"Wait and see." He grinned.

Draco stepped closer and Hope quickly jumped to her feet to step back away from her grinning boyfriend.

"Are you scared?" He teased.

Hope glared at him but didn't answer his question making his grin spread across his face.

"Is the oh so fearless, Hope Mikaelson afraid of heights?"

"I will punch you." Hope warns him but Draco just laughs.

"Please?" Draco asks giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." Hope hissed after a few moments of the adorable, pleading look on Draco's face.

Draco dropped his broomstick for a moment and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. "I've been flying for years, you'll be fine." He assured.

Hope looked up at him and bit her lip in anticipation and Draco stroked her hair. "If I fall and die I will come back and haunt you." She threatens him playfully.

"You trust me, don't you?" He asks and steps back and sits on his broomstick.

"You know I do." Hope said and reluctantly went to stand next to him.

"Do you want to sit in front or behind?" He asks.

"Which's safer?" Hope asks nervously.

"In front, I guess. I can hold on to you then." He winked.

Hope climbed on in front of Draco and his one arm instantly wrapped around her body to keep her tightly against his chest. Hope had a death grip on the broomstick and one of Draco's thighs.

"Ow... ouch." Draco hissed painfully as her fingers dug into his leg.

"Sorry." Hope mumbled but she didn't let go.

"It's fine." Draco whispered in her ear and he pushed off the ground so they were hovering slightly above the ground. Hope instantly closed her eyes when they got higher and she leaned into Draco who leaned down so his chin was on top of her head.

"You okay?" He asked and started lightly tracing circles on her side.

"I'm gonna be sick." Hope said as she watched herself flying higher and higher.

"We don't crash, or fall... if that's any consolation." Draco told her with a small grin.

"Thanks." Hope said sarcastically. "That's helps my anxiety."

Hope still had her eyes closed with a painful grip on Draco's leg.

"Open your eyes." Draco tells her.

"No." Hope shakes her head vigorously.

"For me." Draco whispered in her ear and gently kissed her neck.

Hope took a deep breath then opened her eyes and looked over at the castle they were slowly flying past.

"Wow." Hope said in awe as she leaned more into Draco.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now