44|Mystic Falls

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"Yes, Draco?" Klaus asked impatiently as he watched the now nervous boy.

"I... um... well I was wondering..."

"Out with it!" Klaus snapped.

"I want to marry your daughter." Draco said quickly.

Draco panicked when the hybrid didn't say anything he was just staring at Draco who was having a panic attack.

"Were you planning on asking me?" Klaus asked with a straight face.

"Y-yes." Draco stammered. "And her mother, a-and the rest of the family if I need to."

"Hmm." Klaus hummer looking curious. "Well, I have to say Draco, you've surprised me."

"Why?" Draco asked.

"I'm not sure, but I suppose you have my permission." Klaus shrugged.

"Really?" Draco asked disbelievingly.

"I guess. When were you planning on asking her?" Klaus asked.

"Whenever the moment feels right." Draco said nervously.

Klaus approached Draco and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder but the next thing he said was not reassuring at all. "That's fine. But if you hurt her, I will kill you in ways you couldn't imagine and then I'd get Hope to bring you back to life again so I could kill you again. But before I killed you I would torture you so you wished you were dead." Klaus said threateningly.

Draco, who was already pale in complexion, paled drastically and before he could try to stammer anything else the door opened and Hope walked in.

"Seriously, dad?" Hope asked sternly.

Hope was walking towards Draco's room when she heard the last part of the conversation, so she hadn't heard what Draco was planning she just heard her father threatening her boyfriend.

Klaus quickly put the ring he was still holding in his pocket swiftly without Hope noticing as she was just looking worriedly at Draco.

"We were just talking, right Draco?" Klaus asked with a demanding look at the blonde boy.

"Right." Draco nodded his head excessively.

Hope sighed and went to sit on the bed next to her boyfriend and she looked at the bruise on his eye.

"So who won?" She asked teasingly.

"Me, obviously." Draco said proudly. "Potter was a mess."

Klaus walked out the room but not before giving Draco a look that made him shiver.


"We should go to Mystic Falls before we go back to London." Hope declares to her friends

Hope and the gang would be heading back to London so the others could see their families witch in the next few days so Hope wanted to take them sight seeing. The adults were out doing their own things and letting the kids get on with whatever they wanted to do.

"To do what?" Ron asked as he began eating his fifth slice of pizza.

"Go sight seeing." Hope shrugged. "And we could go swimming."

"I'm in." Ginny said excitedly.

"I'm assuming you guys didn't bring swim wear, so we can go shopping first." Hope said.

Ginny got a big smile on her face at the idea of buying some muggle clothing, but then she realised she and Ron had no money to buy anything.

Harry noticed the look on his girlfriends face and knew what she was thinking. Harry wrapped his arms around the red heads shoulders as they started walking.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now