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Hope and Draco turned around saw Theo Nott smirking at them. Crabbe and Goyle were stood on either side of him like they used to do with Draco.

"So I see my knife didn't kill you." Theo said looking at Hope.

"You realise I'm basically immortal don't you, or are you too much of an idiot to realise what that means." Hope asked with a smirk herself.

Theo started walking closer and Hope stood in front of Draco but he kept moving to the side of her, not wanting to look weak.

Hope and Draco were both focusing their attention on Theo so they didn't notice the two larger boys walking behind them.

"It's nearly time for you to be mine." Theo said with a dark look in his eyes and reached out to touch Hope's hair but she slapped his hand away from her.

He reached out again but she ran at him and slammed him into a wall with her hands around his neck.

Hope was ready to murder him when he lifted a hand and pointed behind her. Hope looked over her shoulder and saw the two large, ugly boys holding her boyfriend tightly with their wands pointing threateningly towards his throat.

"You really are an idiot." Hope laughed then lifted one of her hands from his neck, tightening her grip with the other one. Hope flicked her hand and the two boys fell heavily to the floor.

Hope turns back to the other boy and is ready to kill him but Draco grabs her arm and pulls her back.

"We need to find Potter to see if he's found the Horcrux." Draco said and Hope reluctantly nodded.

Hope followed Draco but she threw a deadly look at Theo over her shoulder.

Hope focused her senses and listened out for where she could here Harry. After finding his voice she starts going that way and Draco followed. They arrived near the room of requirements and they saw Harry, Hermione and Ron run out the room. Harry has the diadem in his hand and he threw it down and stabbed it with a basilisk fang Ron gave him.

"I see you found it." Hope said and then the others noticed she and Draco were there.

"Yeah, now it's just the snake." Harry said.

Hope felt uncomfortable and she didn't know if she should mention what she knew about Harry being a Horcrux.

"Look inside him, Harry." Ron said. "Find out where he is. If we find him, we can find the snake. Then we can end this."

Harry closed his eyes and he started shaking and breathing heavily as he tried to enter Voldemort's mind. Harry opens his eyes and his just about to say something when everything goes wrong.

"Avada Kedavra!" A voice suddenly shouts and nobody could move in time to stop what was about to happen.

Hope turned and watched helplessly as the green light hit the person she loved most. Draco's eyes were glazed over and Hope caught his body as he fell.

Hope was supporting his lifeless body as she looked up with tears in her eyes at her friends who looked shocked and unsure of what to do. Hope gently lay his body down and turned to see the person who did it.

Hope was shaking with fury as she saw to no surprise, Theo Nott. He was smirking but it was instantly wiped off his face when Hope ran at him and bit harshly into his neck, draining him. She stopped though because she wasn't going to give him a quick death.

"Immobulus." Hope said and his body was frozen.

"Go do what you need to do." Hope said turning to her friends who looked slightly scared, but they ran out the corridor to go wherever Harry saw when he looked into Voldemort's mind.

Hope threw Theo to the ground and his head collided with the ground but he couldn't make a sound but Hope was pleased to see the pain in his eyes.

Hope knelt down and she pictured a knife in her mind and it appeared in her hand. "Do you remember what I said the first time you threatened me?" Hope asked to frozen body. "I said the next time you touched me you'd lose your hands, time to collect."

Hope grabbed one of his arms then she twisted his wrist sharply making the bones snap and smirked when she saw his eyes widen with pain, his eyes being the only thing that he could move. "I'm going to be the last thing you ever see before you die." Hope said almost softly in the silent corridor.

Hope then picked her knife back up and she used it to slowly remove both his hands and she relished in seeing the tears leaking out his eyes. Hope finished off by slamming the knife deeply in his heart and blood began flowing out his chest and mouth.

Hope kicked his body away from her and she went over to Draco's body and she sat down and started cradling his head in her lap as she cried.

Hope felt empty, like a part of her was now missing. Once again Hope was thinking dangerous things, blaming herself for the loss of her loved ones.

Ginny was the one who ended up finding her, as soon as the redhead saw her she dropped down next to the older girl and hugged her.

"Hope, the bodies are being taken to the great hall." Ginny said gently after a few moments.

Hope nodded without saying a word and Ginny tried to help support Draco's body but Hope gently pushed her away and carried him on her own. As they were walking Ginny saw the body of Theo Nott, she was shocked at the amount of blood she saw but she didn't say anything to upset her friend.

Hope didn't speak when they got to the great hall, she just sat down with Draco's head on her lap again.

Hope silently looked around the hall and she saw Ginny run down to her family who all had tears down their faces. Hope listened in and she heard Fred's name mentioned. Hope wanted to run over and hug Ginny but she wouldn't leave Draco.

Harry, Hermione and Ron entered the hall a while later and Harry looked at her with sympathy and then Ron ran down the hall to his family and he started crying over his dead brothers body.

Draco opened his eyes and he looked around in confusion. He remembered hearing someone shout the unforgivable curse and then everything went black.

He was still in the hallway and he began walking around when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He turned around and saw two men he recognised but he didn't know where from but then he realised he knew them from Hope's memories. It was her father and uncle.

"Hello, Draco." The Uncle said.

Hope's dad was just staring at him and Draco was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "Hello." He said towards the Hope's uncle.

"It's nice to see you but obviously not with these circumstances." Elijah said suddenly uncomfortable himself.

"Thank you." Klaus suddenly said and he stepped closer to the boy and grabbed his shoulder. Draco tried not to flinch worried what the man was going to do. "For caring for my little girl."

Draco didn't know what to say he just nodded his head.

Hope was pulled into Mrs Weasley's arms when she stepped away from her son and Ginny told her what happened. Hope hugged the woman back as more tears fell from her eyes.

I'm going to bring them all back. Hope thinks to herself with determination and she starts making her plan.

Don't hate me people😂

Hope you enjoyed this chapter😭

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now