53|The Vampire Hunter

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Hope wrapped Draco's arm around her shoulder and helped him limp downstairs into the lounge. Hope went to the kitchen and grabbed him a glass of water to drink.

"How are you feeling?" Hope asked as she sat next to him on the couch.

"Like death." Draco groaned and lay down with his head across Hope's lap.

What do you remember?" Hope asked and began playing with his hair.

Draco began telling the story of what he could remember.

Draco woke up with a groan from sleeping in an uncomfortable position on the Wesley's sofa. He gently climbed out from underneath Hope and tried to navigate his way around the room to find the kitchen in the dark. After getting a drink he was about to go back to sleep when he thought he could hear someone saying his name. Hope was still asleep and as were the others upstairs he assumed. Draco got back on the sofa and wrapped his arms around Hope tightly, when he heard his name being called again.

It was like he could hear it in his mind, but he didn't recognise the voice of the person. Draco reluctantly stood back up and pulled his shirt back on. Making sure he had his wand with him, he went outside the Burrow and looked around in the darkness trying to find anything.

"Hello, Dracken."

Draco turned around. "Stupefy." Draco hissed and a red beam fired from his wand and hit something in the distance. Draco heard something bump on the ground so he knew he'd hit something.

A maniacal laugh filled the air. "You're fast. I'll give you that."

"Who's there?" Draco snarled.

"Now, now, Dracken. No need to be rude. That'll hurt my feelings."

"That's not my name." Draco said into the darkness.

"Really? Huh, not what I heard." The voice chuckled.

A man stepped closer to where Draco was stood so he could actually see him.

"What do you want?" Draco demanded.

"Many things." The man said with a smirk. "But I really want to meet the girl who my little Josette is so fond of. But that can't happen yet, the boss says it's too soon. We can't have anyone knowing just yet."

"I told you to stop speaking in riddles." Another voice growled from behind the man in front of Draco. "You know I don't have to keep you alive. You've outlived your usefulness."

Draco took a step backwards and was gonna start running but the younger of the two strangers appeared behind him with enhanced speed.

"Ah, Ah, Ah. Not so fast, snowflake." The younger man laughed as he grabbed Draco's arms behind his back to keep him still with one arm and the other was crushing his windpipe.

Draco felt like he was being drained of energy and the man behind him groaned in delight. Draco felt himself collapsing but then the man stopped whatever he was doing and Draco felt better.

The older man yanked the other away from Draco and snapped his neck throwing him to the floor.

"I'm sorry about him." The man said, not sounding very apologetic at all. "I'm Mikael, and I need you to do something for me."

Mikael suddenly looked away from Draco and appeared to be listening to something.

"Who are you? And who's that?" Draco asked pointing at the man on the ground. "What do you want?"

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now