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It is finally the day hope will be going to her new school. Molly Weasley sorted all her supplies for her so she had a trunk with her on the way to the platform.

Hope finds a compartment with Ron, Ginny and Hermione whilst Harry goes to talk to Sirius, who was still sporting a black eye.

After a while Harry joins them along with another boy who hope found out was Neville Longbottom.

The journey was quite boring as Harry kept falling asleep so the others tried to be quiet as not to wake the boy.

When the train stopped they started to get off. Hermione explained to hope that all of her belongings would get transported to the school so she need not worry.

A few younger looking girls came and got Ginny who followed them after saying goodbye and wishing Hope luck in the sorting.

Neville walked away with two Gryffindor boys, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas.

Hope walked in between Harry and Hermione with Ron behind them when they heard a voice.

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter." A snide voice remarks.

Hope and the others stop walking and turn to see a tall blonde boy approaching with two larger boys trailing behind him.

The boy looks at Hope trying to remember if he's seen her before. She can see the lust in his eyes straight away. He turns back to look at Harry.

"You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." The blonde said whilst getting up close in Harry's face.

Hope holds onto Harry when he lunges at the boy who jumps back in shock.

Draco looks at the beautiful brunette and feels jealous seeing her hands on Potter.

"What'd I tell you? Complete nutter." Draco said while walking away from the trio plus the new girl he doesn't recognise.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry shouts whilst trying to get out of Hope's tight hold.

"It's only Malfoy." Ron said when the blonde and his friends were gone. "What do you expect?"

They walk over to carriages that Hope realises are being pulled by bony looking creatures.

"What are they?" Hope asks and Hermione and Ron look lost whilst Harry has a look in his eye that said he can see them too.

"What are what, Hope?" Hermione asks.

"The things pulling the carriages." Hope tells her as if she's crazy.

"Nothings pulling the carriage. They always pull themselves." Hermione said looking at Hope in concern.

"Erm... I can see something too Hermione." Harry tells her looking uncertain.

Hope and Harry walk to the carriage whilst looking at the creature when they hear a soft voice.

"Neither of you are going mad. I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am." They look up at a blonde girl sat in the carriage reading the Quibbler.

Hope finds out that the girl is Luna Lovegood. The girl seemed a bit unusual, talking of creatures that even Hermione hasn't heard of, but Hope didn't mind. Hope thought Luna was a sweet girl.

They get to the school and Hope has to go stand with a bunch of first years waiting to get sorted.

As the headmaster is speaking Hope looks around the great hall in amazement. Hope can feel eyes in her and turns to see the blonde from before staring at her. His grey eyes were staring into her soul it appeared.

"Now we've sorted the first years, we have a visitor from a different school. She will be a 5th year. Come on up Miss Mikaelson." The headmaster calls and Hope walks over to the stall with the hat that had been calling out different house names for the eleven year olds.

Hope sits down and Professor McGonagall puts the hat on her head. Hope has to stop herself from flinching when she hears a voice in a head.

"Ah Miss Mikaelson. The daughter of Klaus Mikaelson. Good to finally meet you. I can feel a lot of anger in you. But where's best to put you.
You're very loyal, following your family vow of always and forever. You seek knowledge, you're brave and very cunning when you need to be.

It'll have to be..."

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now