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Hope found Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy in the great hall looking down at their sons fallen body. Hope was nervous to approach them but when Narcissa saw her she wrapped her arms around the young girl and sobbed into neck.

"What happened?" Lucius asked.

"Theodore Nott. But don't worry I avenged him." Hope said darkly.

Lucius was slightly uncomfortable at the anger he saw in her eyes but he hid it well.

"I have a plan. Everything's going to be fine. I'll bring him back." Hope told the parents of the boy she loved.

They both looked doubtful but were ready to listen.

"I need blood from one of you." Hope said.

"Not to drink, for a spell I mean." Hope said quickly when she saw their faces.

Hope's loved ones were silently laughing at her social awkwardness.

"She's a great girl." A voice said and Klaus turned quickly to see who was speaking to them.

Behind them stood a beautiful woman with bright red hair and man with messy hair and glasses.

Draco was looking at them and then he realised who they were.

"Who are you?" Klaus growled.

"Niklaus, must you be so rude even in death." Elijah asked sarcastically.

"I'm James Potter and this is Lily."

"Harry's parents." Hayley said with realisation and the couple nod.

Hope now has all the vials she needs ready for her spell. Potter blood, Weasley blood and Malfoy blood.

Hope found everyone walking outside the school.
In the distance there was a lot of people approaching over the bridge.

Hope found Ginny and stood by her as they waited for the approaching people.

At the front of the group was Voldemort. Hope could feel Ginny tense beside her as they saw Hagrid following with tears in his eyes as he carried a body.

"Who is that?" Ginny asked. "Hagrid's carrying?"

"Neville who is it?" Ginny asked when they saw Neville stood in front of them.

"Harry Potter... is dead!" Voldemort exclaimed loudly.

"No! No!" Ginny screamed as she ran forwards but Hope grabbed her arm and pulled her back sharply.

"Don't be stupid." Hope growled in her struggling friends ear.

"SILENCE!" Voldemort screeched. "Stupid girl."

Hermione and Ron came to stand behind Hope who was holding Ginny tightly.

"Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith... in me." Voldemort said.

Hope looked over to wear Harry's body lay in Hagrid's arms. Hope was surprised that she could hear a heart beat coming from the 'dead body'.

"Faith?" Hope asks loudly drawing attention to herself. "We should have faith in someone who can't even kill a child." Hope had a smirk on her face.

"Foolish child!" Voldemort spat looking at Hope.

"Harry Potter is dead!!" He turned to his followers with a shout of joy and they began laughing.

"Is he?" Hope asks hoping to anger the victorious wizard.

"She's just like you, Niklaus. I worry for the world." A new voice said cheekily.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now