03|Meeting the Weasleys

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Albus Dumbledore apparated to the order of the Phoenix's headquarters at Grimmauld Place to inform the members about their new addition.

All the members sit around the table and Dumbledore tells them about Hope Mikaelson and how she is important in defeating Voldemort. After the meeting he asked to speak privately with Arthur and Molly Weasley.

"I was hoping you would allow Hope to temporarily join your family, as you know she lost her parents..." Dumbledore didn't even finish his sentence before the ever caring Molly Weasley started talking.

"Of course she can. You don't even need to ask Albus. When can we meet her." Molly started rambling.

"I will be collecting her later today. Would it be possible for you to get her some robes and books from Diagon Alley, I will give you the money. She won't need a wand however." Dumbledore told them and Molly went to set up a space for her in Hermione and Ginny's room before getting Hope's Hogwarts equipment.

"Girls, you will have a guest joining you later this evening." Molly tells the two girls whilst getting her wand and transfiguring another bed into the room.

"Who is she?" Ginny asks her mother.

"Her name is Hope. She will be a new 5th year at Hogwarts. She's also going to help us stop you know who." Molly tells them both.

Molly can see the questions on the young girls faces. "I'm not telling you anything else. If you have questions ask Hope." Molly tells them then leaves the room.

After that Hermione and Ginny told Ron and the twins about what they know about Hope and the boys are intrigued.

Dear Freya,
Would you be able to get your niece to London and I will take care of it from there.

Albus Dumbledore.

That was the brief letter Freya got from the headmaster of Hogwarts.

Hope and Freya transport themselves to London magically and began to wander around for a while. Until, an old man in bright robes appeared before them. Both girls flinched but when they saw a smile on the old mans face they relaxed.

"Hello, it's good to meet you both. I am Albus Dumbledore." He introduces himself.

After a sad goodbye between Hope and her aunt, Dumbledore apparates Hope with him to Grimmauld Place.

Hope looks around the old house with curiosity. "Where are we?" She asks.

"This is Grimmauld Place, also known as headquarters for the order of the Phoenix." Dumbledore told her.

The headmaster takes her to a quiet room and tells her the story of Voldemort and Harry Potter. Hope instantly feels for the boy, he clearly hasn't had the best childhood, just like her.

"Now, lets go introduce you to everyone." He tells her and she starts to feel a bit nervous.

They walk into a room where a lot of people are talking loudly. It goes silent when the two walk in and everyone looks at them.

"Everyone, this is Hope Mikaelson." Dumbledore tells the room.

Hope looks around the room and sees a lot of people, especially a lot of gingers.

"Hello everyone." Hope said with confidence that she didn't actually have at the moment.

The people in the room began to say hello to her and introduce themselves. A lot of the members of the order and the children couldn't help but notice how beautiful the girl was.

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