17|Flashbacks part 2

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Hope was walking around the Salvatore school looking for Henry, a werewolf from her mum's pack.

"Hey. You have the money?" She asked when she found him.

The boy turned around and handed her a wad of cash. "I'm not gonna ask where you got this." She said.

"Remember, one now, one after." Hope tells him and hands over two vials of her blood.

The memory pauses for a second as Hope turns to look at all their reactions.

They all look confused. "Was that... blood?" Ron asked looking disgusted.

"Yes. My blood. To turn him." Hope tells them.

"Turn him into what?" Draco asked his girlfriend.

"A hybrid. Henry was a werewolf. If he was to die with my blood in his system he'd be able to turn in a vampire too." Hope explains to them.

"Why would your blood turn him?" Narcissa asked.

Hope looks to Dumbledore and he nods signalling that she could tell the senior Malfoy's what she is.

"Because I'm a hybrid of all three creatures. Witch, werewolf and vampire, I just can't trigger the vampire side until I die." She explains and everyone is shocked.

The memory resumes after nobody else had anything to say.

"You sure about this, Henry?" Hope asked with concern.

"Yes." The boy nodded.

"Do me a favour. Be discreet." She said and then walked away.

Hope is sat at the desk in her room writing in a book when there's a loud knock at the door.

"Come in." She called.

A man walks in and Hope stands up and looks at him. "Mr Williams. What's up?"

"Mr Saltzman wants to see you." The man said. "It's about Henry Benoit."

"Is, um, Mr Saltzman calling my mum?" She asked.

"That, and he thinks your dad should know what you've been up to."

"Yeah. Good luck finding him." Hope snapped.

"Pack your bags, Hope. You're going home." The man told her then left Hope's room.

Hope sat back down at her desk and a sly grin began to grow on her face.

"Sneaky. You should've been in Slytherin." Draco said to Hope with a smirk.

Hope tried to hide her grin as she thought about who would be popping up in the memory next. Roman, her first kiss. There was no reason to put in any memory with Roman, except for the one involving her mother, but Hope wanted to mess with Draco and make him jealous.

Hope was sat on a chair in the Salvatore school corridor after she was just told she was suspended.

"Later, dude." A voice said and she turned to look at her crush.

Roman was walking down the corridor and as he looked at Hope she averted her eyes.

Draco pulled Hope into his side possessively when he saw how the other version of her looked at the boy. Everyone else smirked when they saw this.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now