13|Occlumency and Christmas

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Dumbledore's Army has been meeting in the room of requirements that Neville happened to come across one day. Hope hasn't been to all of them as Harry has been teaching magic with wands and Hope knows what she's doing with magic.

All the DA students just entered the room of requirements with Hope this time as Hermione said she should start teaching some combat now a lot of people have got the hang of the stuff Harry was teaching.

Hope asked everyone to grab a partner and she demonstrated some basic self defence drills for them to practice. Hope was walking round the room watching the students and giving them advice if they needed it.

Hope laughed when she saw Hermione take Ron down to the floor and pin him down. "Are you still going easy on me, Ronald?" Hermione asks with a smug smirk.

"Well done, Mione." Hope said with a wink to the bushy haired girl.

Hope went over techniques like chokes and arm bars and how to get out of them quickly which most people picked up instantly.

When they finished for the day everyone snuck out the room of requirements and tried to avoid Umbridge and Filch who had been looking for a illicit activities. This was their last meeting until after the Christmas holiday.

Apparently, Umbridge had been calling students to her office to try and get the information out of them.

Hope saw Draco approaching her with a smug look on his face. When he stood in front of her he was looking down at his robes and she noticed the badge.

"Please tell me you didn't join that stupid inquisitorial squad." Hope asked him incredulously.

"I did actually." He tells her harshly.

"Why?" Hope asked.

"So I can get Potter and the rest of them in trouble." Draco said as if it was obvious.

"You realise I'm one of them." Hope said emphasising the word them.

"Yes. But I'd make sure you didn't get in trouble." Draco told her with a smile.

Even though Hope found this a sweet gesture he was still targeting her friends.

"Why?" She asked whilst stepping closer to him.

"Because I like you." Draco admitted and leaned in to kiss her but she pulled back.

"And I like you, and yet I can't like someone who tries to hurt my friends." She tells him with a sad smile.

Before Hope can walk away from him, Draco grabs her by the arm and pulls her into a tight embrace.

"Please don't leave me." He whispers and Hope can hear the vulnerability in his voice.

"Draco..." she starts to say but he interrupts. "I'll leave Potter alone. Just don't leave me." Draco tells her.

"Okay." She eventually replies. "I'm not going anywhere." She assures him and they stop hugging and Draco grabs her hand.

"Will you visit me over Christmas?" Draco asks her like a small child would.

"I could try. I'm staying with Harry and the Weasleys over the holidays." She tells him. Draco gets angry that she will be staying in the same house as Potter and Weasley.

"Professor Snape knows where I'm staying so he could sort it out." Draco looks relieved that his head of house/godfather knows where she'll be, so his father can arrange a time for her to come to Malfoy Manor.

Back in the common room Harry told his friends that he kissed Cho Chang at the end of the DA meeting.

"Well, how was it?" Ron asked.

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