38|Hope's Mind

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The kids were told to wait outside the room whilst Freya did some spells on Hope so she could concentrate.

Draco was pacing nervously outside Hope's room. He suddenly heard a scream from downstairs. He ran downstairs and saw Klaus and Elijah running down towards the dungeons. Draco followed them down and he found Marcel with his hand around Ron's throat, pinning him to the dungeon wall. Ron looked like he was going to cry and Harry, Hermione and Ginny were frozen.

"Marcel!" Klaus roared. "Let the boy go." Klaus demands.

"They were snooping around, who are they?" Marcel asked and turned around but then he realised who he was talking to and his eyes widened and his mouth was gaping. "W-what?"

"They're Hope's friends." Klaus said. "But I don't know what they were doing snooping around." Klaus growled glaring at the kids.

"They always do that." Draco said with a smirk behind Klaus. "Always nosing around in other people's business."

"Just go wait until Freya's finished. You don't want to go snooping around our home." Klaus said with a vicious grin. "You don't know what you might find."

After the kids left the dungeons marcel turned to look at Klaus and Elijah with disbelief. "How is this possible? I don't understand."

"All thanks to my talented daughter." Klaus said proudly.

"Is Hayley alive too?" Marcel asks and they start walking up to dining room.

"Take a look for yourself." Elijah said and pointed to the table where everyone was sat.

Marvels eyes just widened in more surprise when he say Hayley and also Finn. Rebekah went to stand by her husband as it looked like he was about to pass out.

"So, Marcellus, I heard you've married my sister." Klaus said looking at the man he considers a son with a straight face but he was smiling in his mind.

"Yes." Marcel said looking nervous knowing how Klaus reacts when it comes to Rebekah. "Well you see..."

"And I'm fine with it." Klaus told him and Marcel let out a breath of relief. "After all, you were one of Rebekah's only lovers I never killed."

"So that's a good sign." Elijah told Marcel smirking.


Draco walked back up the room and carried on his pacing.

"Did you see him nearly bite my head off?" Ron asked the others outside the room. "I thought I was about to die."

"He wouldn't have killed you, Ronald!" Hermione snapped.

"I don't know, Mione, I think he was gonna rip Ron's head off." Harry said scratching his head.

"Well we shouldn't have gone snooping, Ron." Ginny scolded.

"Listen to your sister, Weasley." Draco said and continued pacing.

The door suddenly opened and Freya walked out looking distressed. Klaus came to find them when he heard Freya walk out the room.

"What's the matter?" Draco asked quickly. "Is she okay? Have you fixed her?"

"It isn't something magic can fix alone." Freya said.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked nervously.

"The spell she did was too exhausting and she somehow locked herself and her memories away in her mind, so someone will have to go in her mind and unlock her memories." Freya explained.

"Draco, you should do it." Freya said when she saw Klaus open his mouth to volunteer.

"Freya." Klaus growled. "She is my daughter I should do it."

"I know, brother." Freya sighed sadly. "But Hope has all her memories of you, after losing you and Hayley, Draco was the first person she connected with so it has to be him."

"Fine." Klaus growls after a few moments.

"What do I need to do?" Draco asked Freya.

"I'll put you under sleep spell and put you in Hope's mind. You will need to think of all the memories you have with her and she will be able to see too as the spell will connect you." Freya explained.

"How will that make her remember?" Hermione asked quickly. "How will they wake up? What if she doesn't remember?"

"Well, that's the only problem." Freya said looking anxiously towards Klaus. "If she doesn't remember, neither of you will wake up. But if she does remember you'll both just wake up on your own."

"What?!" Klaus snarled.

Draco started his pacing around the room again and began thinking about what he should do.

"I'll do it." Draco said confidently.

"Are you sure?" Freya asks with concern. "There's a real risk you'd never wake up again."

"I understand. But I can't live without her." Draco told her.

Klaus looked at his daughter's boyfriend with a proud and impressed look in his eyes.

Klaus grabs Draco's shoulders and looks in his eyes. "If you can get her to remember. Then you have my blessing to date my daughter."

Draco just nodded his head with a small grin on his face but now he also felt the pressure of the situation drop on him like a tonne of bricks.

"Let's get this done then." Freya said and led Draco towards hope's bed and told him to lay down next to her where she lay still asleep.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny watched worriedly as Freya began preparing the spell.

"Potter." Draco said looking at Harry. "If I never see you again, I'll surprisingly miss you. And you three, even Weasley." Draco said looking at the other kids. "It's been a blast."

Then Freya cast the spell and Draco's eyes closed and they would remain that way for quite some time.

Next chapter will be Draco getting Hope to remember❤️

Hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️

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