10|Unbreakable Vow

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Getting over her initial shock Hope yanks her arms forward forcefully and Draco's hands release her.

"Corporis impetus." Hope shouts whilst turning to face Draco who drops to his knees from Hope's spell.

Draco tries to stand but magic is forcing him down. Hope slowly walks towards Draco who begins to get a look of fear in his eyes, but also anger.

"Ossox." Hope whispers and Draco screams in pain when his arm is forcefully broken.

Snape was quickly following two of his 5th year Slytherin's down a corridor where he found Draco Malfoy on the ground with his arm stuck out at an awkward angle, with Hope Mikaelson stood above him radiating anger. Snape dismisses the other two Slytherin boys who leave and head to the great hall.

Before Hope can do anything else she hears footsteps approaching. She turns to see Professor Snape walking towards her.

"What is going on?" He asks slowly whilst looking over the two students.

"Sir, she just attacked me out of nowhere. She's a werewolf. She was going to kill me!" Draco speaks as if he was the victim in the whole thing.

"Silencio." Hope says and Draco's mouth disappears and he looks panicked.

"That's not what happened." Hope tells the Professor who raises his eyebrow expectantly waiting for an explanation.

"He started insulting Hermione and then..." Hope pauses not wanting to say she already revealed her secret.

"Finite Incantatem." Snape waves his wand and Draco is back to normal and he can finally stand back up.

"50 points from Gryffindor for harming another student." Snape says with no emotion.

Draco, who is stood behind the Professor, grins in a satisfaction.

Hope can see the smug look on his face so she lunges at the boy but she doesn't get very far as Snape grabs her roughly by the arms to restrain her.

"Calm down!" He snaps at the angry girl.

"Draco! Stop provoking her or I won't stop her next time!" Snape shouts at his Slytherin who loses the smug smile instantly.

"Both of you are coming to the headmasters office." He commands them and they start walking, with Snape as a barrier between the two and Draco supporting his injured arm.

They get to Dumbledore's office and Snape pushes Draco and Hope so they sit in front of his desk.

"What seems to be the problem Severus?" Dumbledore asks with a smile.

"It appears Miss Mikaelson attacked Mr Malfoy." He informs the headmaster.

"No I didn't!" Hope snaps.

"So how did Mr Malfoy break his arm?" Snape asks sarcastically.

"By being a racist prick." Hope mumbles under her breath.

"5 more points from Gryffindor." Snape says making Hope roll her eyes.

"Would it be ok if I looked at your memories my dear?" Dumbledore asks Hope who nods in agreement.

After looking at her memories Dumbledore turns to them all with a serious look.

"Mr Malfoy, you can't tell anyone about Hope being a werewolf." Dumbledore instructs the boy.

"Why not? Everyone deserves to know." Draco says.

"I can control the shift, so you don't have to worry." Hope tells the boy with a slight smile.

"What does that mean?" Draco asks with confusion.

"We'll tells you about it, let's just fix your arm." Dumbledore said.

After healing Draco's arm they all get ready to hear the story about Hope and her family.

"So whose Klaus Mikaelson?" Draco asks. Hope flinches when she hears her dads name.

"My father." Hope said flatly. "Also known as the original Hybrid." At Draco's confused look she expands. "Vampire and Werewolf."

Draco is shocked at this revelation. "My father was born over a thousand years ago. After the loss of his youngest sibling, my grandmother used black magic and turned my dad and his siblings in the first vampires. However, the first time my dad killed somebody, he started changing. And they found out he was a werewolf and that my grandmother had an affair." Hope explains.

" Hope explains

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"A lot of things happened throughout the millennium and then my dad met a werewolf, my mother, who fell pregnant with me

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"A lot of things happened throughout the millennium and then my dad met a werewolf, my mother, who fell pregnant with me. She died after giving birth to me, but my blood saved her and she came back as a hybrid. Her being pregnant was a surprise to most people considering vampires shouldn't be able to procreate as they're dead. But here I am. I'm the only one of my kind. I'm the tribrid. Witch, werewolf and vampire." Hope finishes.

"So what happened to your parents?" Draco asks gently

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"So what happened to your parents?" Draco asks gently.

"That's a story for another time." Hope says softly.

Draco and Hope get ready to leave the office but Dumbledore stops them. "Mr Malfoy stop for a second. I need your word you won't tell anyone what you've learned."

"I won't." He assures them.

"I'm sorry to ask but in need you to make the unbreakable vow." Draco and Snape's eyes widen at that.

Draco finished making the unbreakable vow with the headmaster that forbade Draco from telling anyone about what he knows about Hope.

"Detention. Tomorrow evening at 7pm in my office for you two." Snape commands them before they leave the office.

"I'm sorry about before." Draco tells Hope honestly when they're on their own walking down the corridor.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too." Hope said. "Just try not to insult my friends again and we shouldn't have a problem." She says with a wink causing the blonde to blush.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now