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"Where is he?" Rebekah asked coming out of her room when she heard her niece speak. Rebekah had been awoken by Hope shouting as she knocked on Klaus's door early that morning. Rebekah was going to go back to sleep but when she heard what Hope said she quickly got out of her bed and was out her bedroom door.

"At Ginny's house." Hope said and crossed her arms across her chest when she remembered she was wearing Draco's shirt and knew her dad would be annoyed. "I just got a letter from her."

"Well, what's he doing there?" Klaus asked exasperatedly.

"No idea. The twins found him in their garden apparently." Hope shrugged.

"Who's in the garden?" Hayley asked tiredly appearing by the group with Elijah. "And why do we keep getting woken up so early?"

"Marcel's at Ginny's house so we're going to go get him." Hope explained to her mom.

"Well, that's one less problem now we know Marcellus is okay." Elijah said.

"Let's go get him, now." Rebekah ordered.

"Little sister, you're in your pyjamas." Klaus said trying to put a bit of humour in the situation now that he knows that Marcel is safe for the time being.

"10 minutes!" Rebekah snapped. "Everyone has 10 minutes to get ready and then we're going to go get Marcel. And then I'm going to kill him for being so stupid as to get himself kidnapped."

Rebekah barged passed Klaus as she went back to her bedroom to get dressed and Klaus chuckled at his sisters antics.

"Shouldn't some of us stay here in case Kol or Freya get back while we're gone?" Hope asked. "To explain what's happening. And I don't know how many people Draco can apparate with at once."

"We'll stay." Elijah said pointing between himself and Hayley.

"What if it's a trap?" Hayley asked suspiciously. "Surely Mikael wouldn't have just let Marcel go because of the goodness in his heart. What if he's waiting there outside for you to get there?"

Hope thought for a while about what her mother was saying and knew she had a good point. "Then me and Draco go first and apparate straight into the house because I've already been invited in. I make sure Molly or Arthur are there so they can be ready to invite dad and Rebekah in when Draco comes back for them before anything could happen." Hope explained.

"There. Sorted. Now, let's get ready." Klaus said as he stepped back in his room but he turned back around to face Hope, Hayley and Elijah. "And if Mikael is there... I'm gonna kill him."

"Hope, just be careful." Hayley said as she gently squeezed Hope's hand before going to get ready also.

Hope went back to her bedroom and told Draco the plan. Hope quickly jumped in the shower in her ensuite so she could feel clean after having been covered in Kai's blood from killing him the day before. She washed her hair and when she got out the shower she wrapped a towel around herself and went back out into her bedroom where Draco was already dressed and ready. Hope braided her hair whilst it was still wet because she knew she wouldn't have time to blow dry it with Rebekah getting even more distressed. When Hope was dressed she and Draco were ready to leave so Hope spoke, to let her family know the plan was starting.

"Dad, we're going now." Hope said loudly knowing Klaus would hear her and be ready for when Draco returned.

Draco grabbed Hope's hand and apparated them away with a pop, they appeared at the Burrow in the living room and found it was empty.

"Ginny, we're here." Hope shouted.

"We're up in Fred and George's room." Ginny shouted from upstairs.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now