31|Back To Hogwarts

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When the other change out of their wet clothes they apparate to Hogsmeade. It was dark but loud when they arrived. Death eaters were searching around as they hid quietly.

"Potter!" Death eaters were shouting over the screeching noises.

They ran when the death eaters moved away. They didn't get far in the town as they ran into a gateway preventing their escape.

"In here, Potter." A voice suddenly rasped and they all quickly went through the doorway following the mysterious figure.

When Hope saw the face of the man she almost gasped. They all ran down the stairs and Hope could see they all saw what she saw.

"Did you get a look at him?" Ron asked. "For a second I thought it was..."

"I know. Dumbledore." Hermione nodded.

They walked around and Hope was looking at a painting of a young woman when she looked over at Harry who was looking in his small cut of mirror that Sirius gave him.

"Harry?" Hermione called.

Hope looked and saw Hermione was looking in a mirror that had a shard missing, looking closer Hope saw it was the size and shape of Harry's shard of glass. Hope stepped over and saw Harry's face in the mirror despite him being behind the two girls.

"I-I can see you in this." Hermione said.

Harry steps closer to look at the mirror and holds it up when the old man returns.

"You bloody fools." The man said rudely. "What were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea how dangerous it is?"

"You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother." Harry said in realisation. "It's you who I've been seeing on here." He held up the shard of the mirror.

"Who gave that to you?" Harry asks pointing at the mirror. "The mirror."

"Mundungus Fletcher, 'bout a year ago." Aberforth said.

"Dung had no right selling that to you. It belongs to..." Harry started.

"Sirius." Aberforth finished. "Albus told me. You may be angry but ask yourself where would you be if your godfather still had it."

"Do you hear from the others much?" Hermione asked as he the old man put food down and they all grabbed some. "From the order."

"The orders finished." Aberforth declares.

"We need to get into Hogwarts, tonight." Harry said. "Dumbledore gave us a job to do."

Hope and Draco look around the room as Harry and the Dumbledore man argue. Looking at the girl in the portrait Hope saw she shared facial features with the two Dumbledore men she had seen despite the girl being so young.

"This is your sister." Hope said turning to face the man who looked shocked she'd noticed but he hid it well.

"Yes. She is." He said then turned to the painting. "You know what to do."

The girl turned and began walking away in the painting.

"Where have you sent her?" Harry asks.

"You'll see. Soon enough."

"Her name was Ariana, wasn't it?" Hermione asked stepping closer to the portrait.

"My brother sacrificed many things, mr Potter, on his way to power. Including Ariana." Aberforth nodded towards the painting. "And she was devoted to him. He gave her everything... but time."

"Thank you, Mr Dumbledore." Hermione said as the man left the room.

Harry and Ron gave Hermione a look. "He did save us. He kept an eye on us in that mirror. That doesn't sound like some who's given up." Hermione said.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now