32|Breaking Prejudices

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Hope, Hermione, Draco and Ron were hiding out in the hallway waiting for the moment to enter the room when the rest of the order show up.

They all listen to the loud voices in the great hall. The Carrows has summoned all the students and teachers for a gathering.

"You all must be wondering why you're hear." Hope heard the female Carrow say. "Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmeade."

The room filled with chatter when they all heard that.

"If anyone has heard word from Mr Potter or where he is now, come forward and tell us... or be punished." The male Carrow twin said.

Harry suddenly stepped out of the crowd of students and everyone gasped.

"It seems that despite your defensive strategies, you still have a security problem, professors." Harry said as the door to the great hall opened and the other kids and the members of the order of the Phoenix enter the room.

"And I'm afraid it's quite extensive." Harry said.

The Carrows both pull their wands out and Professor McGonagall pushed Harry aside ready to duel the twins. Severus Snape, to the surprise of many students in room, moved swiftly from where he stood by Remus to help his old colleague. Not many students knew what happened to their old potions Professor, but seeing him fight the Carrows off alongside McGonagall they knew he was fighting on their side.

The Carrows were evidently losing so they apparated away like the cowards they are.

"Cowards!" McGonagall shouted loudly.

McGonagall, in an unusual display of affection wrapped her small arms around Severus who stood their looking awkward.

The room filled with cheers and shouts as the students knew they were now a bit safer with the death eaters out of the school.

The celebrations stopped when the room started getting cold and a feeling of dread filled everyone's stomachs.

"Well this doesn't feel good." Hope suddenly said to Draco.

"What was your first clue?" He asked sarcastically.

Hope elbowed him in the ribs making him gasp in pain. "Arse." She mumbled with a small grin on her face.

Suddenly, a girl began screaming loudly. Then another student began screaming and another. The students that were screaming had their hands covering their ears and they had pain across their faces.

"I know that many of you want to fight." A voice said. Hope and Draco shared a look when they realised it was Voldemort's voice filling the room.

"Some of you many even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour." The hissing voice said slowly.

"What are you waiting for?" A blonde girl wearing Slytherin robes asked. "Someone grab him!" The girl pointed at Harry.

Hope could see Pansy looking at the girl with disappointment and she moved to stand closer to Blaise who wrapped his arms around her protectively.

Ginny went to stand protectively in front of Harry. Then more students and order members moved forward. Sirius and Remus put their hands on Harry's back to assure him they're with him.

"Students out of bed!" Mr Filch shouted as he ran into the great hall with his cat in his arms. "Students in the corridor!"

"They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!" McGonagall scolded the care taker in a scornful voice.

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