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Hermione and Ginny were getting ready in the room they were sharing at the Mikaelson compound when Hope came in the room wrapped in a towel.

"What are you guys..." Hope started to ask.

"You had shower sex." Ginny screeched excitedly.

Hope covered Ginny's mouth with her hand instantly.

"Wow Ginny." Hermione chuckled as she went to close the door. "You have no tact whatsoever."

Ginny mumbled something but they couldn't understand her as Hope's hand muffled her words.

Hope removed her hand with a sigh and Ginny smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry." Ginny giggled. "But look at her Hermione, she's glowing."

Hope blushed and the other girls laughed.

"Was it good?" Ginny asked curiously.

"Ginny!" Hope and Hermione snapped embarrassedly.

"I bet it was." Ginny whispered to herself.

"You're a good motivation." Hope said with a smirk at the young Weasley girl.

"W-what do you mean?" Ginny blushed suddenly embarrassed herself.

"I told him that you'd love to shower with me." Hope teased. "He's jealous of you, you know."

"Well... that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." Ginny grinned.

"You two are unbelievable." Hermione scoffed.

"Hermione, you've got to admit she's gorgeous." Ginny said excitedly with wild hand gestures towards Hope.

Hermione looked the Tribrid up and down and bit her lip. "I know." Hermione sighed dramatically.

"Why's Draco jealous of Ginny?" Hermione suddenly asked.

"Because we kissed that one time." Hope said dismissively.

Hermione's mouth dropped and she looked between the two. "And why didn't I know this?" Hermione demanded. "When?"

There was a knock at the door then and Hope went and opened the door to see Rebekah.

Rebekah looked at her niece who was only in a towel and raised her eyebrows teasingly. "Good thing it was me and not your father or uncles." Rebekah teased.

"I was just coming to let you lot know we're going over to Rousseau's now and we'll see you over there." Rebekah said and pulled her niece into a loving embrace. Rebekah leaned down to Hope's ear and lowered her voice. "Your mother and I had to cause a scene downstairs to distract my brothers." Rebekah whispered.

Hope pulled back and looked confused but Rebekah just smirked and tapped her ear teasingly then left the room.


Draco had just got changed and then went to find Ron and Harry.

He found them in the room they were given when they first arrived. Draco was messing with the collar of his shirt, trying to hide the bruises all over his neck.

Harry and Ron turned to Draco as he entered and they both smirked at the display of bruises on his neck.

"Merlin." Draco groaned. "I'm going to get killed. Nothing can cover them."

"Well... at least they can focus on you now." Ron laughed. "I won't have to worry about embarrassing myself."

"You'll still embarrass yourself somehow, Weasley." Draco said.

A few minutes late the girls came in the room and all the boys mouths dropped as they looked at their respective girlfriend.


"Ron, I don't think you should drink anymore." Hermione said as Ron got another glass of whiskey and nearly fell from his seat.

Hope was amused watching how easily the boys were becoming intoxicated. Being part werewolf and vampire it would take 100 times more alcohol to effect Hope as it was affecting the boys. Klaus had compelled all the bar staff to serve the six teenagers despite being under 21.

Draco was leaning on Hope's shoulder and mumbling things she couldn't understand.

"Let's go get some air." Hope said and dragged Draco outside the bar.

Draco was stumbling so Hope pushed him to lean on the wall but he just crashed down to the ground. Hope knelt down in front of him and grabbed his face to make him look at her.

"How you feeling?" She teased.

"S-Sad." Draco said dramatically.

"Why are you sad?" Hope chuckled.

"H-hope forgot me." He said sadly.

"Oh, baby." Hope said sadly and pulled his head into her neck.

"It's okay now though, I remember." Hope told him.

"Why, why's... why'd sh-she forget." Draco stammered drunkenly.

"She did a big spell, and it must have been hard on her." Hope said.

"Yeah." Draco sighed. "She's am-z-in- amaz-" Draco couldn't get the word out.

"Amazing?" Hope asked with a grin.

"I LOVEEE HERRR." Draco suddenly shouted down her ear and Hope leaned back.

"MALFOY!" Harry was screaming angrily as he ran outside the bar with Ron stumbling behind him.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Hope asked as she pulled Draco to his feet and wrapped her arm around his waist.

"Where- wh- where's Ginny?" Harry screamed. "She's been- taken!"

"Harry." Hope said calmly. "I'm sure Ginny's fine. Isn't she inside with Hermione?"

"M-Malfoy took her." Harry shouted and stumbled forwards trying to grab Draco.

"Hermy-my-Mione is gone." Ron sobbed.

Hope pushed Draco behind her and tried to calm Harry down.

"Harry, listen to me. Draco was with me the whole time, we left you inside with the girls." Hope said slowly.

"SHE'S GONE!" Harry screamed.

"Harry!" Hope snapped and pushed the boy backwards.

Harry wobbled on his feet and glared angrily at Hope.

Harry pushed Hope back harshly and Draco shouted in anger.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Draco screamed and tried to punch Harry.

"Ron, watch them." Hope demanded the sobbing boy.

Ron nodded his head with tears running down his face but he wasn't listening and Hope ran back inside the bar to find the girls.

Next Chapter: A drunken fight with a happy outcome.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now