61|Better To Lose You Than Have Never Loved You

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Hope sat speechless for a few more minutes after Lizzie's second and even longer message, but then something Lizzie said came up as a red flag in her mind.

"A Necromancer." Hope whispered to herself, as things began piecing themselves together in her mind like a puzzle that she'd just been given the final key to. "Lizzie Saltzman, you beautiful genius."

"I know I am." Draco mumbled in his sleep and rolled

Hope's lips twitched up in amusement and she threaded her fingers through his hair whilst he continued sleeping and rolled closer to her so his head was on her chest.

A Necromancer. It makes perfect sense. Hope thought to herself as she allowed herself to digest everything Lizzie had said on her voice message.

Hope's senses suddenly went into overdrive when she climbed out from under Draco and stood up. She could hear everyone talking and clattering around throughout the house. But, the more pressing matter was the sudden overload of human blood around her.

"No." She whispered to herself, the reminder of Ginny's pained face coming back to her.

Draco rolled over on their bed and his head lolled to the side, revealing his pale neck. Hope's eyes were instantly drawn to the flawless skin, and she tensed when she felt the familiar hunger envelop her. She couldn't fathom where the sudden hunger for blood came from, as a hybrid she naturally had more control and tolerance than a normal vampire, but then she recalled what Marcel had told her in her mind. Mikael and Kai had done something to her whilst she was unconscious, and now it was like she was turning into a monster. A ripper.

Pain can make even the most out of control vampire human again. Even a ripper. Anyone can be hurt and that's what makes us human.

Dorian's voice filled her head, from one of their many one-to-one lessons when she was a student at the Salvatore school. As a tribrid and the only one of her kind, Alaric ensured that Dorian taught her on the abilities and need to know information of vampires and werewolves, even when she was still just a human witch.

A ripper is a vampire who lives by obsession of their darkest desires. A ripper will feed until there is nothing left to feed on.

Pain. Hope thought and then she started the werewolf transitioning process, feeling her arms breaking, before she cut it off. The bones in her arms automatically fixed back into place, and she released her lower lip which she'd violently caught between her teeth to restrain herself from crying out. She shook out her arms, getting the feeling back in them and found that it was true, that pain could snap her back into control.

She got dressed into a comfortable hoodie and left the bedroom silently, before she could be overcome with hunger again and she went to the Black Family library, knowing that with all the dark heirlooms and possessions in Sirius and Draco's family, there must be some information on necromancy in at least one book.

Hope made her way to where she knew the library to be, and was thankful that she could hear nobody inside. She shut the door quietly behind her and cast a spell that would only let her open the door when she was finished.

Hope searched the many shelves, that were a lot more clean and dust free, since the last time she visited Grimmauld Place. Well, the whole house overall looked a lot more clean and homely. With the Wizarding war won, Sirius and Remus would've had the time to get things under control whilst Harry worked on proving Sirius' innocence from the crimes he was accused of years ago.

She eventually found a book about spirits, and when she picked the heavy tome up she could feel the black magic pulse into her skin. She carried it over to the armchair by the fire and placed it across her folded legs as she began her hunt for information.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now