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Hope looked around the bar and couldn't see Hermione or Ginny so she ran over to where her family were sat.

"Dad, did you see where Ginny and Hermione went?" Hope asked anxiously.

"Freya was just showing them to the toilets." Klaus said. "Why?"

"No reason." Hope mumbled.

"The boys have gone." Hayley said looking over where Ron and Harry were previously sat.

"They think Ginny and Hermione have been kidnapped. They're trying to blame Draco." Hope sighed and then ran to the bathroom.

Klaus and Kol burst out laughing whilst Marcel smirked. "Now this I have to see." Kol grinned and finished his drink then walked out the door.

As Hope ran towards the toilets, Freya was just coming out and passed Hope looking worried. "What's wrong?" Freya asked.

"Dad will tell you." Hope said pushed the door open. Hope ran into the toilets and saw Hermione and Ginny washing their hands.

"Hurry up, we need to go outside, like right now." Hope demanded.

They saw the look on Hope's face and looked confused. "What's wrong?" Ginny asked as she started drying her hands.

"Harry and Ron think you two have been kidnapped, and they're accusing Draco." Hope told them.


Kol just got outside the bar with Klaus quickly following behind him. The sight before them made them stop.

Ron was lay down on the empty street and Harry and Draco were clumsily hitting each other. Harry had blood dripping down his nose and a bruise was beginning to form of Draco's cheek.

"I'm gon...gonna... kill you." Harry snapped and ran at Draco punched him again.

Suddenly, they both stopped trying to fight and they hugged each other.

"What's happening lads?" Kol asked cheekily. 

"Why were you fighting?" Klaus asked trying to hide a grin.

"Me and- Rooon lost- Gin and Mione." Harry mumbled as he leaned into Draco for balance but it didn't help and both boys fell to the ground laughing.

The three boys were just laughing hysterically on the floor.

"We were never like that, right Nik?" Kol asked his brother.

"I hope not." Klaus said smirking.

"Are you friends again now?" Klaus asked the boys as they tried to stand up.

"Mmh." Draco hummed. "Best- b-best friends."


"Ron was crying?" Ginny snorted as Hope told them what happened after she and Draco went outside.

"He was real upset thinking he lost you, Mione." Hope teased and Hermione blushed.

The girls were going to go back outside but Hope could hear that her dad and Kol were with the boys so they were just sitting in the toilets.

"I can't believe they thought Draco did something to us." Hermione said disbelievingly.

"We're dating losers." Ginny facepalmed. "Like actual dorks."

"But we love them." Hope grinned.

"Yes, we do." Hermione nodded. "You know when we saw your memories how come we never saw your uncle Finn in any?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I never actually met him until I brought everyone back. He was killed for a second time when I was a baby." Hope explained. "Plus he was daggered for 900 years."

"Daggered?" Ginny asked.

"Yes. My family has an interesting history." Hope chuckled. "Being the original vampires they couldn't be killed like normal vampires so some hunters made silver daggers to use with mountain ash that could be used to incapacitate them, it would have worked but my dad's part wolf so the silver didn't work on him and that was the end of the hunters. But dad kept the daggers and used them if he had to." Hope said sadly.

"You're families so interesting." Ginny said enviously.

"Girls, we're leaving when you're ready." Hayley said as she entered the toilets.

"Are the boys okay?" Hope asked grinning.

"They all passed out. Your dad wasn't happy." Hayley smirked. "They're being carried back to the compound."


Hope, Ginny and Hermione walked back to the compound and they went to check on the boys. They checked on Ron and Harry first, Harry was trying to wipe the dried blood from his nose whilst Ron was lay on his bed.

"How'd the fight go?" Hope asked Harry with a smirk.

"Uggghh." Harry groaned and dropped onto the bed. "That was so embarrassing."

"I heard you were crying Ron." Ginny said and jumped on the bed by her brother.

"Please don't mention it again." Ron begged.

Hope grinned at Ginny and Hermione and then she left the room to check on her boyfriend.


Klaus had Draco over his shoulder and vamp sped back to the compound and went to Draco's room and threw him down on the bed.

"Umff." Draco groaned as he landed on the comfy bed.

Klaus sped out the room and returned with a glass of water. "Drink this." He demanded. "Or my daughter will kill me if I leave you like this."

Draco drank the water and after a while his head began clearing and he held a hand to his bruised cheek.

"Do you want my blood?" Klaus asked bluntly.

"W-what?" Draco stuttered.

"To heal your eye." Klaus said rolling his eyes.

"Um... it's okay." Draco said awkwardly.

Klaus just rolled his eyes again and was about to leave the room when he noticed something on the boys bedside table.

Klaus walked over and picked the item up. Klaus held it in front of his face and looked intently at the ring in his hand.

"What's this Draco?" Klaus asked seriously and held the ring out for Draco to see.

"Oh, that... I-I was- meaning to ask you something." Draco said nervously scratching the back of his neck.

You can probably guess what this means😉

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now