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"Hope, what's happened?" Roman asked gently as crouched down in front of her sobbing form and took in the blood around her mouth. "Are you okay?"

Hope just shook her head and wiped the tears from her face frustratedly when they wouldn't stop.

"I've ruined everything. S-She's gonna hate me now." Hope stammered as her tears were rolling uncontrollably.

"Hope, talk to me. Whatever's happened, it'll be all right." Roman said trying to console the distressed tribrid.

"Hope, look at me." Roman commanded gently when her breathing got heavier.

Hope didn't seem to hear Roman, as she looked down at her shaking hands. Everything was flashing by her in a blur. Her emotions were going off the radar as her heightened senses went into overdrive.

"Hope." Roman said louder and grabbed her face to make her look at him and focus on her surroundings. "Are you okay?"

"No... I don't think I am." Hope finally said after blinking her remaining tears away. "I-It's happening again. People are going to get hurt, and it'll be my fault."

"Whatever's happening it's not your fault." Roman said gently, still holding her face and using his thumbs to wipe away some fallen tears. "I told you before, you're good, Hope. And you don't deserve anything bad to happen to you."

"Thank you, Roman." Hope said softly.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? It's okay if you don't want to." Roman said.

A picture of Ginny's face flashed in Hope's mind and she felt guilty again. "Um... well, I triggered my vampire side a while back, and I-I thought I was doing good with it... apparently not anymore. God, I attacked Ginny... she's going to hate me."

Roman looked at the blood around mouth and decided to change the topic. "Come with me." He mumbled.

Roman led her further into the Bayou just in case any human passed by them near the edge of the woods and noticed the blood on Hope. They both sat down on the forest floor leaning back against a tree and Hope tilted her head to the side so it was on Roman's shoulder.

"I don't know who Ginny is... but I promise you, she doesn't hate you." Roman told her.

"How do you know?" Hope asked.

"Because I don't know how anyone could hate you." Roman said quietly.

"Still charming, I see." Hope said with a small grateful smile on her face as she turned her head to look at him.

"It's true. You're a good person, Hope." Roman said looking in her eyes.

They both just sat in the comfortable silence for a while, listening to everything happening around them.

"I visited the Salvatore School last year. I was hoping I could have seen you, but you weren't there." Roman said rubbing the back of his neck a slight redness growing on his cheeks.

"I just had to get away for a while... too many memories, you know? I went to a different magic school in Scotland." Hope explained briefly. "Anyway, how have you been?"

"Busy... Dr Saltzman has had me working on the outskirts of the town, looking for signs of supernaturals." Roman explained. "So did you meet anyone at this school?"

Hope knew what Roman meant and she smiled. "I did." Hope said softly, pictures of her and Draco flashing through her mind making her smile.

"What's their name?" Roman asked curiously.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now