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"I don't know if you heard, but I can't be killed. So whatever you're planning isn't going to work." Hope said surely, keeping herself in front of where Draco was lay out on the dirty ground.

"That may be true, tribrid." The Necromancer agreed, a viciously smug smirk on his face. "Nobody should be able to kill your, except for Malivore. Didn't those lovely Saltzman girls tell you about that?"

"They told me all about Malivore and Triad. Witch, werewolf and vampire all joining together to create a monster to destroy other monsters." Hope said. "But their monster became uncontrollable and that's how I was born. Miracle baby loophole."

"You and Malivore are each other's weakness, so just as you can kill him, he can kill you. And then there will be no stopping him." The Necromancer declared menacingly.

"And how are you planning to have him kill me?" Hope asked and then looked at the black pit. "I mean, he doesn't look all so powerful at the moment and I don't think this would be much of a fair fight."

"I just needed a vessel to put him in and a witch to do the spell. And now you're awake, we can begin." The Necromancer said, his eyes moving to something over Hope's shoulder which made glee appear in his eyes.

"Did you miss me?"

Hope turned around and there stood Kai Parker, looking just as psychotic as the first time Hope met him and then proceeded to kill him. She should've realised something like this would happen, the only way that someone as old and powerful as Mikael could be brought back to life would be through dark magic such as necromancy. Hope had yet to figure out how Kai did what he did, she was too busy trying to figure out a way to kill Mikael so her father wouldn't have to worry any longer.

Kai waved a hand and then Hope saw what she hadn't when she first woke up. Two men had been concealed by a spell and now Hope could see them.

Hope recognised the one as Landon but she didn't know who the older man was, but his hair was curly and reminded her of Landon when she looked at them both side by side. Landon was unconscious like Draco, whilst the other man was looking at Hope curiously.

"I see that you weren't told everything." The Necromancer said amused. "Landon and Clarke here, are the sons of Malivore making either of them perfect to hold their father's spirit."

"This is the tribrid?" The older looking Landon, apparently called Clarke, asked. "I thought she'd be taller."

"Excuse me?" Hope demanded, her eyes narrowed at the smirking man with disbelief. "These two are planning to kill you and your brother and you're bothered about how tall I am?"

"Well, I suppose it's a new feeling for me. Being threatened with death whilst I'm human." Clarke shrugged.

"If you're human now, what were you before?" Hope asked, wishing Josie and Lizzie had filled her in on everything that had been happening since Hope left the Salvatore School; and now she was being forced to catch up in the worst opportunity.

"Were you a phoenix, like Landon?"

Clarke suddenly looked bitter. "No. Landon was the golden child that our father always wanted."

Landon started to stir in his sleep and the Necromancer growled in frustration. "Do it now! We've only got one chance."

"If this is the witch you want to use, you won't have much luck. I've already killed him once before and could easily do it again." Hope said, getting into a fighting stance ready to face Kai.

"Well, best do it before my nieces arrive." Kai taunted. "I'm sure they'll be looking for you soon and your friends. So, you might want to get on with killing me again before I get another chance to take out the twins because I really want to do that."

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now