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"Dad." Hope said in shock.

Hope couldn't believe what she was seeing and she rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself up.

"Hello, Hope." Klaus said quietly waking closer to her.

Hope failed to hold back a sob as she heard her fathers voice.

Hope ran over and threw herself into his awaiting arms. Klaus held his daughter to him tightly as she started sobbing into his chest.

"What's happened?" She asked after she stopped crying. "Where are we?"

"This is in your head, Hope. But it's not. Not completely." Klaus said softly. "Your friends think you're dying. They're trying to wake you right now."

Hope smiled at that thinking of her friends panicked faces.

"What do you think of them?" Hope asks.

Klaus is silent for a while thinking about what he's seen happening to Hope since she left New Orleans to start her new life. He had to admit he liked the Malfoy boy who stole his daughters heart, but he wasn't planning to admit that anyone anytime soon, despite how much Hayley and Elijah pester him about it.

"We can talk about them later. Let's go see your mother." Klaus said and took Hope's hand in his leading her through the forest.

"Mum's here?" Hope asked with an excited glow in her eyes.

"Of course." Klaus said.

"And your favourite Uncle." A voice up ahead said.

Hope looked up at hearing the all too familiar voice. Elijah was stood next Hayley near a cabin.

Hope let go of Klaus's hand and ran as fast as she could to her mother. Hayley threw her arms around her daughter and led her into the cabin so they could all sit down and talk.

Draco Malfoy was panicking. He felt terror when his girlfriend stilled in his arms. She looked dead.

"Granger. Fix this!" Draco snaps at Hermione who looks on the verge of tears.

"What do you expect her to do, Malfoy?" Harry asks with caution to not anger the boy.

"I thought she was the brightest witch or whatever!" Draco shouts.

Draco stands up and carefully places Hope on the sofa and he begins pacing the room.

"She'll wake up, won't she, Mione?" Ron asks looking at Hope with worry.

If something happened to Hope, Ron would fear for the life of the person who has the misfortune of telling Ginny.

"I don't know." Hermione said wiping the tears that were coming from her eyes.

Hope and her parents have been speaking for hours. Speaking about everything and anything. Hope, Hayley and Elijah were laughing when Elijah told Hope how Klaus admired Draco. Klaus tried to deny these accusations but Hope could tell he was lying. They spoke about Klaus's murderous rampage of anger when he saw Theo Nott hurting his daughter.

"Hope, before you go back there's something you should know." Hayley tells her.

"Go back... I don't want to go yet." Hope begins panicking at the thought of losing her family again.

"Hope, you need to. If you stay in your mind to long you won't be able to wake up." Klaus said gently.

Hope began pacing as tears began flooding her eyes. Hayley wrapped her daughter in her arms and led her outside so they could speak in private.

"Hope. You know we all love you, so much." Hayley said grabbing Hope's hands as they looked at each other. "We'd love for you to stay with us. But you need to live. Remember what I said before. You need to have at least one epic love and that love has only just begun."

Hope smiled thinking about Draco. "I know. I just don't want to lose you all again." Hope said.

"You'll never lose us. We're always with you." Hayley said.

"So as I was trying to tell you. You and your friends are looking for these Horcruxes, right?" Hayley asked.

"Harry is a Horcrux himself." Hayley said when Hope nodded her head.

"What?" Hope nearly shouts in shock.

"When we were watching over you we saw you... and... Harry he had... I don't know a strange aura around him and then your father heard a conversation heard they sneaky headmaster mention it." Hayley explained.

"Wow." Hope mumbles. "That means for Harry to beat Voldemort, he needs to die." Hope realises and Hayley has a sad look on her face.

Hope hugs Hayley once more then heads back to the cabin. She hugs her Uncle Elijah as he passes her to go to Hayley to give Hope and Klaus some privacy.

"I don't want to leave." Hope suddenly said when she saw her father again.

"I know." Klaus said sadly. "But you have to, littlest wolf."

Hearing that name again brought tears to hope's eyes again as she hugged her father. For the last time for all that Hope knew.

Draco couldn't sleep. Hope had been 'dead' for hours now and they were all sat around a table. Each glancing at Hope worriedly having no idea what they should do.

All of a sudden there was a loud gasp and Hope sat up quickly breathing heavily.

Draco was out of his seat the minute he heard her. He grabbed her into his arms and all but sobbed her name in relief.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asks nervously unsure what else to say.

"I saw my parents." Hope said sadly and then collapsed with exhaustion in Draco's arms.

Sorry this was a short chapter😋
More drama to come soon!

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